Two Weeks After Sandy

Every Mother Counts
Every Mother Counts
2 min readNov 15, 2012

Now that some of the water has receded, we checked back with Linda and Jen to find out what life is like now.

It’s been over two weeks since Sandy took its toll on friends, families and mothers like Linda Marini and Jen Correa. Now that some of the water has receded, we checked back with Linda and Jen to find out what life is like now.


We’re still trying to get settled in the new place. Once you find a new roof, one might think that the rest follows, but my mind doesn’t give me the motivation to get things done. We’ve received many donations that I spend hours every day going through. We’re still trying to find enough storage space. Still trying to get cable, etc. and trying to keep a routine. So many friends have helped me organize, but only my hubby and I can make a routine for the kids. That’s the challenge we face right now. My daughter’s daycare isn’t open yet and my hubby and I haven’t gone back to work yet. This isn’t “normal” for us. I haven’t run in almost three weeks. I can barely get up in the morning. I don’t know who this person is, but I desperately miss my life.


Week two, we’re tackling the various issues that are coming up. For example, we’re currently thinking about where to rebuild, legal counsel to help navigate the insurance policies and lease and options in the immediate future to generate income to keep our lives afloat. One of the biggest issues for small businesses is what happens when the paycheck stops. We invested everything we had into the business to help it grow in the last 6–7 years. We stand to lose that, plus endure a big loss of income during the busiest season. We are currently at a loss as to if and when we can come up with the funds to rebuild if we don’t get reimbursed for anything we lost. These are troubling times. I’ve learned to reach out to our friends and community who have offered some valuable advice. We are managing so many things together and time is of the essence. We are coping with loss and being flexible and creative to stand up again.

Stories like these magnify that the storm is far from over. While week one was all about survival, week two is all about figuring out what happens now. Keep Sandy fresh in your mind. Continue to offer help to those who need it and keep checking back to find out what the holidays will be like for those whose lives were devastated by Sandy.

