Cornel West’s Presidential Aspirations

A Leap Towards Change or a Political Misstep?

comrade glimmer
Common Revolution Disrupts Monopoly
5 min readJun 27, 2023


The political arena buzzes with surprise as anti-establishment icon and self-described “Social Democrat” Cornel West boldly steps forward, seeking a presidential nomination from the Green Party. The news stirs a hot pot of debates, filling the air with an intoxicating blend of hope, optimism, skepticism, and concern. In this blog post, we peel back the layers of the ensuing controversy and explore the implications of West’s presidential run in the complex world of U.S. electoral politics.

About Cornel West:

Cornel West, a distinguished intellectual and political activist, is no stranger to the American political landscape. His activism traces back to the Civil Rights Movement, and he has held esteemed academic positions, notably at Harvard. West’s influential voice resonates through his writings, speeches, and appearances in progressive media. His seminal works like “Race Matters” and “Democracy Matters” are touchstones in modern socio-political discourse.

The renowned professor of philosophy and Christian practice has consistently criticized the neoliberal establishment in the United States. Describing himself as a non-Marxian socialist, West has been a vocal advocate for marginalized communities and has highlighted the failures of the current bipartisan government. He firmly believes that American voters deserve more than the choice between “neo-fascists” and “milk toast neoliberals.”

The Green Party: A Beacon of Hope?

The Green Party, one of America’s significant third parties, has steadily gained traction, surpassing the Libertarian Party in popularity. However, a stigma still clouds third-party voting in the U.S., with Democrats and Republicans blaming it for respective election losses. Nonetheless, burgeoning disillusionment with these two political giants has catalyzed an openness among over half of the American population to consider a third-party candidate, setting a relatively conducive stage for West’s campaign.

Some of the key policy positions West has expressed support for include Medicare for all, the banning of corporate lobbying, disbanding NATO, ending U.S. military adventurism and foreign military aid, and abolishing student debt. These progressive stances reflect his commitment to creating a more equitable society and challenging the entrenched power structures.

The Tumultuous Terrain

West’s candidature ignites a heated debate, with an equal measure of hope and skepticism echoing across the political spectrum. His alignment with marginalized communities and relatively radical ideas may challenge the dominance of the traditional two-party system and sway public opinion towards socialism, but concerns about potential vote splitting, associations with right-wing figures, and inherent constraints of the electoral system loom large.

West’s announcement has stirred a whirlwind of reactions, both positive and negative. His interactions with right-wing figures have left many on the left uneasy. Centrist liberals voice fears about a vote split detrimental to the Democrats, casting West as a potential spoiler. An initial association with the People’s Party, riddled with scandals surrounding its founder, Nick Brana, adds to the controversy. Although West insists he was oblivious to these issues, his subsequent departure to the Green Party has left some skeptical and questioning his political choices.

Central to the debates around West’s campaign is his professed intent to bridge the ideological divide with the right wing. While lauded by some as a courageous attempt to build a broader electoral base, others question the viability of such a strategy. Given the current political climate, marked by anti-communism and anti-black sentiments among right-wing Americans, West’s success in wooing these voters remains uncertain.

A Silver Lining

Nevertheless, West’s presidential campaign is not devoid of promise. His popularity and recognition could thrust his campaign into the national spotlight, shaking the foundation of the Democratic and Republican hegemony. Furthermore, his advocacy for marginalized communities and solidarity with movements such as BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) may sway public opinion toward socialism and spark a challenge to the existing status quo.

Let’s take a look at a list of policy decisions summarizing West’s major stances. Some of these policies are very ambitious, but many need to get done, and none are unheard of. West’s policies include:

  • Guaranteeing housing, healthcare, education, and living wages for all
  • Terminating all foreign military aid
  • Ending mass incarceration
  • Banning corporate lobbying
  • Medicare For All (Single-Payer Health Care System)
  • Disbanding NATO
  • Women Reproductive Rights
  • Climate Action
  • Regulating Silicon Valley (Big Tech)
  • Imposing Congressional Term limits

Cornel West’s decision to run for president as a representative of the Green Party injects a new wave of energy and ideas into the political landscape. With a focus on justice, equity, and challenging the status quo, West’s campaign promises to be a rallying point for those disillusioned by traditional party politics. Whether or not he secures the nomination, his presence in the race will undoubtedly shape the discourse and invigorate discussions around vital issues facing the American people.

Exercising Caution

West’s candidacy has already faced criticism from various quarters, particularly from liberals who fear that his entry into the race could split the Democrat vote and inadvertently benefit the Republican candidate. Many of these critics argue for “harm reduction,” but West contends that the current Democratic administration has not adequately addressed crucial issues such as women’s bodily autonomy, deportation policies, and climate change. He emphasizes that real change often emerges from grassroots movements and working-class organizations rather than the traditional political theater.

As compelling as West’s campaign may be, it’s prudent to temper our enthusiasm with a dose of skepticism. The electoral system is inherently skewed towards preserving the status quo, making the path to the presidency for a socialist candidate arduous, if not improbable. Recognizing the limitations of electoral politics in effecting systemic change is vital, necessitating a focus on grassroots organizing and revolutionary efforts for true change.

Looking Ahead

Cornel West’s bid for the U.S. presidency as a Green Party candidate kindles a beacon of hope for some while igniting concerns for others. As the potential to challenge two-party dominance, address pressing issues, and mobilize the masses is celebrated, critics remain wary of vote splitting, associations with right-wing figures, and the constraints of electoral politics. Regardless of one’s stance, West’s campaign serves as a powerful reminder that the journey toward socialism extends far beyond the ballot box. It underscores the need for sustained grassroots organizing and mass mobilization, truly embodying the spirit of a people-powered movement.



comrade glimmer
Common Revolution Disrupts Monopoly

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