Julius Malema

Support the Economic Freedom Fighters of South Africa

Max Jones
Common Revolution Disrupts Monopoly
12 min readApr 30, 2023


The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is a political party in South Africa that was founded in 2013 by former members of the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL), including Julius Malema, Floyd Shivambu, and others. The party is known for its radical leftist and populist stance on economic and social issues, and has become a significant force in South African politics.

The EFF’s primary goal is to achieve “economic freedom” for all South Africans, particularly those who have been historically disadvantaged by apartheid and colonialism. The party’s ideology is based on Marxist-Leninist principles, and it advocates for the nationalization of major industries such as mining, banking, and telecommunications.

One of the key issues that the EFF has focused on is land reform. The party argues that the majority of land in South Africa is owned by white farmers, and that this is a legacy of colonialism and apartheid. The EFF advocates for the expropriation of land without compensation, and for the redistribution of land to black South Africans.


To this end, the EFF advocates for the expropriation of land without compensation, a policy that has proven to be highly controversial. The party argues that this is necessary to break the cycle of landlessness and poverty that has affected black South Africans for generations. They believe that the current system of land ownership is unjust and unsustainable, and that the only way to achieve a fair distribution of land is to take it away from those who currently own it.

Despite criticisms, the EFF remains committed to its policy of land reform. The party argues that the expropriation of land without compensation is necessary to redress historical injustices and to achieve a more equitable distribution of land in South Africa. They also argue that the policy would stimulate economic growth and development by providing land to those who have been historically excluded from the agricultural sector.

The EFF’s stance on land reform has been a major factor in its rise to prominence in South African politics. The party’s message resonates with many young and disenfranchised South Africans who feel that they have been left behind by the post-apartheid political order. While the policy of expropriation without compensation is controversial, it has also forced a national conversation about the legacy of apartheid and the need for land reform in South Africa.

“Yes to land expropriation without compensation”

The EFF has been particularly vocal in its criticism of the current ANC leadership under President Cyril Ramaphosa. The party has accused Ramaphosa of being too beholden to white capital, and of neglecting the needs of ordinary South Africans. The essential critique is as so:

  1. Economic inequality: The EFF argues that the government’s economic policies are too heavily influenced by white capital, which prioritizes the interests of wealthy individuals and corporations over the needs of ordinary South Africans, particularly black Africans. The party has called for a more radical and interventionist approach to economic policy, including the nationalization of key industries and the implementation of redistributive policies.
  2. Corruption: The EFF has accused the ANC of being riddled with corruption, and of using state resources to enrich themselves and their cronies. The party argues that corruption undermines the government’s ability to address the needs of black Africans, and that it perpetuates the legacy of apartheid by allowing a small elite to benefit at the expense of the majority.
  3. Land reform: As previously mentioned… The EFF argues that the government has been too slow to address the legacy of apartheid and colonialism in terms of land ownership. The party has called for the expropriation of land without compensation, and for the redistribution of land to black Africans. They argue that the government’s current policies are insufficient and do not adequately address the needs of black Africans.
  4. Education: The EFF argues that the government has neglected the needs of black Africans in terms of education, and that access to quality education is critical in addressing the economic and social inequalities that exist in South Africa. The party has called for greater investment in education, particularly in historically disadvantaged communities.
  5. Healthcare: The EFF argues that the government has neglected the needs of black Africans in terms of healthcare, and that access to quality healthcare is critical in addressing the health inequalities that exist in South Africa. The party has called for greater investment in healthcare, particularly in historically disadvantaged communities.

One of the other major issues that the EFF has criticized Ramaphosa for is his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The party has accused the president of prioritizing the interests of the wealthy and connected, rather than the needs of ordinary South Africans. The EFF has also criticized the government’s vaccine rollout strategy, which it sees as being too slow and ineffective.


In a speech delivered in May 2020, EFF leader Julius Malema accused Ramaphosa of ignoring the plight of the poor during the pandemic:

“We are not happy with the way Ramaphosa has dealt with this COVID-19 thing…he has not dealt with it in the interest of our people, he has dealt with it in the interest of white monopoly capital.”

Malema also criticized the government’s decision to reopen the economy, arguing that this would exacerbate the spread of the virus:

“The obsession with the economy is the reason we are going to die…we are opening up the economy, yet we don’t have a vaccine, we don’t have medicine to cure people.”

The EFF has also been highly critical of the government’s vaccine rollout strategy. In a statement released in March 2021, the party argued that the government’s approach was too slow and ineffective:

“The slow pace of the vaccine rollout program is completely unacceptable and goes against the urgency needed to protect our people… The government must urgently develop a clear and comprehensive plan to ensure that all South Africans receive the vaccine as soon as possible.”

The party has also called for greater transparency and accountability in the vaccine procurement process. In the same statement, the EFF argued that there was a lack of clarity around the procurement of vaccines and that this was contributing to the slow rollout:

“The EFF is deeply concerned about the lack of transparency and accountability in the procurement of vaccines. The government must ensure that the procurement process is transparent and that all South Africans have access to the vaccine.”

The EFF has also been critical of the government’s economic policies, arguing that they have failed to address the underlying structural issues that perpetuate poverty and inequality in South Africa. The party has called for a more radical approach to economic policy, including the nationalization of key industries and the implementation of land reform [as previously mentioned] policies.

Julius Malema with Construction Workers

One of the key economic policies that the EFF has criticized is the government’s approach to privatization. The party argues that privatization has led to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, rather than the broad-based development of the economy. In a speech delivered in 2019, EFF leader Julius Malema argued that the government’s approach to privatization was misguided:

“We have been sold a lie that privatization will bring development, but instead it has led to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few… We need to nationalize key industries to ensure that the wealth of the country is shared among all South Africans.”

The EFF has also been highly critical of the government’s approach to land reform. The party argues that the government’s current approach, which relies on the willing-buyer, willing-seller model, is too slow and ineffective. In a statement released in February 2021, the EFF argued that land reform should be based on the principle of expropriation without compensation:

“Land reform must be based on the principle of expropriation without compensation, as this is the only way to ensure that land is returned to its rightful owners and that the legacy of colonialism and apartheid is dismantled.”

The party has also called for the nationalization of key industries, including mining and banking. In a speech delivered in 2018, Malema argued that nationalization was necessary to ensure that the wealth of the country was shared among all South Africans:

“We need to nationalize key industries, including mining and banking, to ensure that the wealth of the country is shared among all South Africans… We cannot allow the continued concentration of wealth in the hands of a few while the majority of our people live in poverty.”

Despite being a relatively new political party in South Africa, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has made significant gains in the country’s politics. Since its formation in 2013, the party has established itself as a force to be reckoned with in South African politics, winning a substantial number of votes and seats in both national and provincial elections.

South African Parliament
Riot in South African Capital

In the 2014 general election, just a year after its formation, the EFF won 6.4% of the vote, securing 25 seats in the South African parliament. The party’s success was largely attributed to its populist rhetoric and its focus on issues that resonate with many South Africans, including land reform and economic inequality. The party’s success in the 2014 election was seen as a major upset for the ruling African National Congress (ANC), which had dominated South African politics since the end of apartheid.

The EFF’s success in the 2014 election paved the way for further gains in the 2019 election. In that election, the party increased its share of the vote to 10.8%, winning 44 seats in the South African parliament. The party’s growth in the 2019 election was largely attributed to its continued focus on land reform and economic inequality, as well as its criticism of the ruling ANC and President Cyril Ramaphosa.

One of the key factors driving the EFF’s success has been its ability to connect with ordinary South Africans, particularly young people and those living in poverty. The party’s leader, Julius Malema, is a charismatic figure who is known for his fiery speeches and his willingness to challenge the status quo. Malema’s ability to connect with ordinary South Africans has helped to make the EFF a popular choice among voters who are disillusioned with the ruling ANC and its slow progress in addressing the country’s social and economic challenges.

Julius Malema Speaking

Another factor driving the EFF’s success has been its ability to mobilize its supporters through a variety of means, including protests and social media campaigns. The party has been particularly successful in mobilizing young people, who are often more politically active on social media platforms. The party’s use of social media has helped to raise its profile and attract new supporters, while its willingness to engage in protests and other forms of direct action has helped to build its reputation as a party that is willing to fight for the rights of ordinary South Africans.

The EFF’s official phrase or slogan is “Asijiki,” which translates to “We do not retreat” in isiZulu. This phrase is meant to convey the party’s commitment to its political goals and its determination to continue fighting for social and economic justice in South Africa. The EFF often uses this slogan in its political rallies and events, as well as in its social media and other communications with supporters. The phrase has become closely associated with the party and is often used by its members and supporters to express their allegiance and commitment to its cause.


The EFF’s phrase “Asijiki” carries a powerful message of resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to achieving its political goals. The phrase reflects the party’s deep-rooted belief in social and economic justice for all South Africans, particularly the historically marginalized black majority.

In a country that has a complex history of racial oppression, inequality, and exploitation, the phrase “Asijiki” is particularly relevant to the communist movement. Communism is a political and economic ideology that seeks to establish a classless society where the means of production are owned and controlled by the people. The goal of communism is to create a society that is free from exploitation and where everyone has access to the resources and opportunities they need to live fulfilling lives.

The phrase “Asijiki” embodies the spirit of communism in its unyielding commitment to the struggle for social and economic justice. It reflects the belief that the struggle for a just and equal society is an ongoing one and that setbacks and obstacles must be met with steadfast determination and resilience.

The EFF’s commitment to this phrase is reflected in its policies and actions. The party has been vocal in its calls for land reform, the nationalization of key industries, and the implementation of redistributive policies. It has also been critical of the ruling ANC party, which it sees as being too slow to address the country’s social and economic problems.

Julius Malema with the masses
Julius Malema with the masses

The phrase “Asijiki” is also relevant to the broader struggle for communism on a global scale. The EFF has expressed solidarity with other communist and leftist movements around the world, including the struggles of the Palestinian people and the socialist governments of Cuba and Venezuela.

The EFF’s phrase “Asijiki” has become synonymous with the party’s unwavering commitment to fighting for social and economic justice in South Africa. It is a powerful message of resilience and determination that embodies the party’s belief in the principles of communism. The phrase is not only relevant to the party’s struggles in South Africa but also to the broader global struggle for communism. By expressing solidarity with other leftist movements around the world, the EFF has positioned itself as a key player in the global fight against capitalism and imperialism. As the EFF continues to grow and gain influence in South African politics, its commitment to the principles embodied in the phrase “Asijiki” will undoubtedly continue to inspire and motivate its members and supporters.

To conclude, The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is a radical leftist and populist political party in South Africa founded in 2013 by former members of the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL), including Julius Malema and Floyd Shivambu. The EFF’s primary goal is to achieve “economic freedom” for all South Africans, particularly those who have been historically disadvantaged by apartheid and colonialism. The party advocates for the nationalization of major industries such as mining, banking, and telecommunications, as well as land reform through the expropriation of land without compensation. Other key issues for the EFF include economic inequality, corruption, education, and healthcare. The party is highly critical of the current ANC leadership under President Cyril Ramaphosa, accusing him of being too beholden to white capital and neglecting the needs of ordinary South Africans. The EFF has also been highly critical of the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and its vaccine rollout strategy.

EFF logo

This article was written by Max X, this article was published by Common Revolution Disrupts Monopoly, to see more brilliant work like this, follow our publication as well as giving 50 claps to this article.

Max X is a Marxist and Materialist writer.

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Completed on 4/30/2023

