The Cultural Revolution: A short explanation

Max Jones
Common Revolution Disrupts Monopoly
3 min readJun 27, 2023


The Cultural Revolution, a period of intense social and political upheaval in China from 1966 to 1976, was a bold attempt to reinvigorate and safeguard the path of communism. It emphasized the need for ongoing cultural revolution and self-criticism from the masses to prevent the emergence of revisionism. This article delves into the significance of the Cultural Revolution in building and sustaining a communist society, highlighting the critical role of cultural transformation alongside political and economic changes.

The course of communism necessitates constant revolution, not only in political and economic spheres but also in the realm of culture. The Cultural Revolution recognized the potential dangers of complacency and revisionism, wherein revolutionary ideals could be diluted or betrayed over time. By advocating for ongoing cultural revolution, the movement sought to engage the masses in critical examination, encouraging them to question and challenge traditional norms, practices, and ideologies. This process served as a powerful tool to prevent the emergence of revisionist tendencies and ensure the adherence to true communist principles.

Central to the Cultural Revolution was the concept of self-criticism, where individuals and institutions were encouraged to reflect on their actions, rectify mistakes, and strive for continuous improvement. The active participation of the masses in this process was paramount. Through open discussions, mass rallies, and Red Guard movements, the Cultural Revolution empowered ordinary people to voice their concerns, critique established systems, and actively shape their society. This collective introspection and participation strengthened the course of communism by ensuring that power remained in the hands of the masses and preventing the emergence of elitism or bureaucratic tendencies.

A communist society requires a cultural framework aligned with its values and principles. The Cultural Revolution recognized the need for a communism culture that permeated all aspects of society. It aimed to reshape traditional cultural practices and eradicate remnants of feudalism, imperialism, and capitalism. Through the promotion of revolutionary art, literature, and education, the movement sought to instill a sense of collectivism, egalitarianism, and social consciousness among the population. A communism culture fostered solidarity, cooperation, and a shared vision, reinforcing the building blocks of a communist society.

This article was written by Max Jones, this article was published by Common Revolution Disrupts Monopoly, to see more brilliant work like this, follow our publication as well as giving 50 claps to this article.

Max Jones is a Marxist and Materialist writer.

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Completed on 6/27/2023

