Everybody Helping
Everybody Helping
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2017


What is Everybody Helping?

Everybody Helping is an app that makes it easier for you to help people.

How does it work?

We make it easy for you to subscribe to great non-profits from your phone.

Why subscribe?

Because it’s better for great non-profits.

When great non-profits know how much money they’re getting every month, they’re able to be more effective.

Why should I use Everybody Helping instead of supporting non-profits on their websites?

Because it’s better for great non-profits and easier for you.

Great non-profits don’t exist for you to give them your money — they exist to help people. And we help great non-profits help more people, by making it easy for you to subscribe to them.

What is a great non-profit?

Great non-profits are effective and transparent with their money.

Can I subscribe to multiple great non-profits?


How much of my donation goes to the great non-profits I support?


How does Everybody Helping make money?

We charge you a 5% platform fee of each donation.

For example, if you subscribe $5/month to Austin Parks Foundation you will be charged $5.70/mo in order to account for our processing and platform fees.

It looks like this:

  • $5.00 monthly subscription to Austin Parks Foundation (100% donation)
  • $0.47 processing fees (0.29% + $0.30)
  • $0.23 platform fee (.05 x $5.00)
  • $5.70 total monthly charge

Is Everybody Helping a non-profit?


Everybody Helping is a for-profit company founded in Austin, Texas. However, we do partner with The Everybody Helping Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, we formed to help collect and distribute donations to great non-profits.

Does my donation go directly to the non-profit?

Not yet.

The Everybody Helping Foundation maintains a donor-advised fund known as The Everybody Helping Fund (EHF-DAF), which allows us to effectively accept and distribute your donations to the great non-profits that you subscribe to.

  • Soon, however, your donations will go directly to great non-profits via the Everybody Helping website.


Is Everybody Helping available on Android?

Not yet.

Soon, though.

Where is Everybody Helping available?

For now, just in Texas.

We’re headquartered in Austin and currently only accepting donations on behalf of every non-profit in Texas, though we will be expanding to California, New York, and the entire United States very soon.

My favorite Texas non-profit isn’t on the Everybody Helping app — what should I do?

Tell us and we’ll check them out.

Email us at support@everybodyhelping.com with the subject, “NEW NON-PROFIT”.

