Assignment #2 The Campus Selfie Competition

It’s all fun and games until a pleasant sur(prize) is involved.

Nhoell Inthavong
Everybody Needs Somebody
1 min readApr 9, 2014


It’s a little friendly competition among the mentorships this week. Mentors and mentees are going to take a selfie with each other anywhere on campus. They will take the picture and send it to me with a description of why they chose the place they did! I’ve asked them to be as creative as they can in creating a photo that will embody their mentorship. I will be posting the photos on my social media and this very blog to get votes to see who’s photo is the best! The mentorship with the best photo will win a nice little prize!

This activity will require the mentors and mentees to combine their ideas and to capture a photo that also captures their relationship. I think this will be really fun for the mentorships, but also for the few people that have been keeping up with this project. The little competition can potentially get other people involved as the mentorships will be asking outside folks to vote for their photo. I’m pretty excited myself. Hmm, if I had to take a campus selfie, I guess by myself, I would take it at…the CANDY SHOPPE of CONE.

