Mentorship #2

Meet: Fahad and Joshua

Nhoell Inthavong
Everybody Needs Somebody
2 min readMar 29, 2014


Mentor: Fahad Sheikh

Major/Minor: Computer Science & Mathematics Minor

Classification: Junior
Hometown: Lahore, Pakistan
Brief Description of Self: Moved to the United States 3 years ago, loving life so far, got to make plenty of awesome friends, working with Bank of America right now, can’t wait to graduate!
Fun Fact: I can eat 2 whole chickens in 30 mins! Yeah bring it on, I’ll show ya haha
Expectations of mentorship: Learn more about my mentee and make sure I am there for him no matter what.

Mentee: Joshua Conde

Major/Minor: Mechanical Engineer

Classification: Sophomore

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Brief Description of Self: I am a Latino American with divorced parents. I am a sophomore and apart of Sigma Chi Fraternity. I Graduated from a private high school and have played sports all my life.

Fun Fact: I am suspended from Intramural at UNC Charlotte

Expectations of mentorship: To go as an individual and to connect deeply with my mentor.

