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How understanding food’s cooling and hot nature helps me reach my ultimate health

Manish Kumar
Everyday Ayurveda
Published in
5 min readSep 6, 2023


While ice water and ice cream may feel cold, they are not considered cooling by nature. This is because consuming them causes the body to work harder to bring its temperature back up to normal, which in turn creates heat in the body. Additionally, consuming very cold foods can cause digestive issues and slow down the metabolism, which can also contribute to a feeling of warmth in the body.

Let’s first define what is meant by “cooling nature” (thandi taaseer) and “hot nature” (Garam taaseer) foods: Cooling nature (thandi taaseer) foods have a cooling effect on the body after consumption. Examples include cucumber, watermelon, and coconut water. In contrast, hot foods (garam taaseer) have a warming effect on the body. Examples include ginger, garlic, and cinnamon. This is in contrast with how the food looks before consumption.

Understanding the cooling and heating nature of foods has helped me regulate my body temperature and maintain good health. By adding more cooling foods to my diet, I have been able to cool down my body during the hot summer months and prevent heat-related illnesses.

I prefer hot foods over cold ones, as I am not particularly fond of the latter. However, according to Ayurveda, I have a pitta dosha, which means my body is already heated…



Manish Kumar
Everyday Ayurveda

Sharing wisdom on how to become best version of yourself. Also sharing knowledge in the field of AI/ML. Reading, writing, meditating along the way!