A Vital Milestone: How does it Feel, Being a Month Away from the Event?

Everyday BlockShow
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2018

A month — how much is it, really? Well, it depends, and everyone would have their own answer to this question. Still, there is one thing I know for sure: for us, the BlockShow team members, a month till each big event always becomes a crucial boundary, when there is so much work in progress, and our efforts increase exponentially.

Long story short, this final straightaway is a rather interesting period in the life of the BlockShow team, and also a great occasion to dust off this blog with another post!

Things are different this time — why?

So far, everyone out there probably knows that, instead of our traditional 2-day conference, there’s gonna be entire Asia Blockchain Week, our first tryout of this popular format. BlockShow Asia itself, of course, isn’t going anywhere — just becoming a part of the whole range of activities.

At some point, we started receiving too many collaboration & partnership requests — soon, it simply became clear that we couldn’t fit this into one event, and that’s how Asia Blockchain Week was born. It’s much better to set up five days of various activities — this way, we can provide much more knowledge and value to the audience. Plus, now it’s just makes more sense to jump on a long flight to Singapore :)

Addy Crezee, CEO BlockShow

So, what activities, exactly?

  • Asia Blockchain Week/BlockShow Asia 2018 VIP Preparty

Good parties is what our team and community love as much as BlockShow itself! Not just any parties, though — only those that include both fun and value. So is going to be our VIP Preparty on November 27, which will not only give our guests the opportunity to get to know each other and communicate properly, but also will provide a great atmosphere to relax before all the busy days we’re preparing. And of course, the fun won’t be over afterwards, as we’re having some more parties during BlockShow Asia 2018!

Oldie and goodie. The structure is all the same, but the contents are different, and this time it’s simply the best we can get for you — just check out the agenda and speaker lineup!

However, something completely different is also coming at you: on November 29 (BlockShow Asia Day 2), don’t miss EXP20, a brand new startup show, which is to become our take on a popular format of Shark Tank and Dragon’s Den. A full-scale material about EXP20 will come out very soon, so stay tuned for more!

  • The Future of Token Economy Conference

Our long-time partners, Singapore University of Social Sciences (aka SUSS), and Singapore Academy of Law are organizing their own conference this year — and we’re excited about the fact that it will be held under the aegis of Asia Blockchain Week! The conference will include such topics as Regulations on Smart Contracts, ICOs & Convergence of Tech, and more. The speakers are yet to be announced, but we can already say that the organizers are picking the best experts from Legal Tech Firms, VCs, as well as Regulatory Institutions.

  • LongHash Open Day

On December 1st, our friends from LongHash Accelerator will hold an Open Day to demonstrate some real Blockchain-powered usecases along with another bunch of great content!

And even this is not a full list of the Asia Blockchain Week features! Apart from everything above, we will also have a Token Day, when everyone will be able to buy everything with crypto; the Investors’ Night and a Hackathon for Developers. Sounds crazy, huh? I want to keep you intrigued for a while, though, so any further details about those will be revealed in my upcoming posts.

I’m sure that [Asian Blockchain Week] will be a very useful experience for all the participants, because we are doing everything to make it so: hot agenda featuring really great speakers, everything to provide efficient networking both within and outside BlockShow (awesome parties and other activities during Asia Blockchain Week). Only because of that, I can safely say that this year’s edition of our event is going to be much better that 2017’s one.

Addy Crezee, CEO BlockShow

Well, now I think it’s perfectly clear how high are the stakes! This means that even more great news, accomplishments and small victories are waiting for us during this last month.

Speaking of event industry, it’s always a TOP month for everyone. That is the main point of events as a form of business — you have a certain deadline, and you have to keep up with it. It’s like launching the rocket — once you do that, there is no way back!

Prior to that, one can work hard and still barely see a result, and when there’s only a month left, one can’t even get a proper sleep, but if you can get through this hard part, through all the challenges — it really pays off in the end! It pays off by all the real value and fun people get from what you do; by your own feeling of being useful and important.

Things are getting really interesting, so why don’t I stick around this blog for a little while just to post some more — weekly updates, perhaps? This idea sounds really cool to me, and this is what I guess I really should do. The first ‘update’ will be published this Friday — see you soon, and stay in touch!



Everyday BlockShow

BlockShow DAO — an iconic worldwide Web3 Festival. Since 2016. Powered by Cointelegraph.com