BlockShow Europe 2018: How Do I (and the rest of my team) Feel about It

Everyday BlockShow
Published in
4 min readFeb 19, 2018
Yay, BlockShow!

Okay, the day has come — BlockShow announced its next large-scale event, BlockShow Europe 2018. Three cheers for our team and this wonderful milestone!

Without any doubts, our upcoming conference can really impress (I mean, even I’m a bit dazzled) with its scope and numbers. Some media have already mentioned it, there or right there, for example; on the other hand, I’d like to provide you a look to “the other side” and share some of my thoughts, inspired by this awesome occasion.


I’ll let myself begin with the moment of nostalgia. Back when we were taking a breath after the BlockShow Asia conference, I already knew that there is something really grandiose that awaits us further on. The scope of our last event, which now seems to be perfectly normal, was unbelievable for me back then — or, more specifically, the fact of how our small team managed to make that happen in quite a successful way.

Christmas and the New Year has gone by, and we finally met at the office for our very first breefing dedicated to our 2018 plans in general and our next conference in particular. As any other event, BlockShow should obviously be constantly improving itself — and that’s exactly why I couldn’t wait until our CEO Addy share his plans (high-flying, as always) with the rest of the team.

“The Anticipation is Real”

I know I wasn’t going to tell much about the conference itself, but it’s so awesome!! BlockShow Europe 2018 is going to gather more than 3000 guests, no less than 150 exhibitors, over 100 partners & sponsors and more. With this in mind, I look back to our previous activities and realize — how we’ve grown! Just a year ago we were working hard for our very first, 600-attendees-big event, making a lot of things completely blindly, but now — look at us! We’re working on one really big and solid event, having brought together a team of genuine professionals, and we’re stronger than ever.

“We want as much people as possible to know about the Blockchain technology and use it to create something great; to build upon Blockchain and drive the community forward. We want the Blockchain ecosystem to stabilize and become mature. For me, my team and the whole community, the BlockShow conferences will become major events of the Blockchain scene, where anybody will be able to find out about new products and fresh & hot announcements, as well as meet some prominent personalities from the global Tech & FinTech”. — Addy Crezee, CEO BlockShow


The separate topic is Agenda. This time me, Julia Daimio, have taken responsibility to personally work through the program and content for BlockShow Europe 2018, so let me assure you — we will make everything top-level! Just like the previous time, the agenda will be divided into two separate stages; while the most pressing issues concerning the today’s Blockchain community will be addressed from the Main Stage of the conference, the Second Stage will unfold the whole variety of Blockchain-powered solutions! With the help of the major experts from numerous industries we’ll find out how Blockchain is being used in different sectors: not only big and innovative like IoT and AI, but also some important and meaningful ones like Voting and Humanitarian Initiatives.

But awesome agenda is only half of it, right? That’s exactly why our team is working hard to attract best of the best experts to participate BlockShow Europe this year. And our efforts have already bear fruit: we’re excited to be joined by Milan Sallaba from Deloitte Consulting, Llew Claasen of Bitcoin Foundation, Ahmed Syed from SAP, not mentioning a popular Blockchain youtuber and speaker of our previous event, Ivan Liljeqvist! Along with completely fresh faces, our speaker roaster will include some old friends of ours, and there is one thing to be absolutely sure about — we’ll do our best to provide you with top speakers only.

Being in pretty high spirits all these days and striving to share my emotions with teammates, I’ve asked some of them how do they feel about the announcement:

“I’m happy about our announcement. This is an impulse which sets the course of our movement”.Anna Sergius, Deputy Director

“A lot of work was done here, but it totally worth it. The anticipation is real!” — Aleksander Raserei, Manager of Everything :)

“Of course I’m happy! It’s done! May the success be with us!” — Stefania Rossi, Partner Relations

“Oh yeah, I’m excited, especially by how exhausted I’ve been the past days, haha” — Victoria Neiman, Account Manager

“It’s a big and exciting moment for us” — Shavrat Khalid, Chief Event Manager

Be our Guest!

Obviously, each of us is a big fan of what we do — and that’s why we want you you to join us on May 28–29 in Berlin, to share this success with us and take a look at everything we’re preparing for you and all the Blockchainers out there! You can learn even more details about BlockShow Europe 2018 & the meetups, as well as register for any of these events at the official BlockShow Europe webpage. One last thing: I see this announcement as a perfect occasion to be generous and do something cool for you, so here you go — use the code MEDIUM to get an additional 30% discount and become part of the BlockShow crowd at the lowest price possible.

Don’t miss out on this change — and see you in Berlin this spring! :)



Everyday BlockShow

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