BlockShow Meetup Tour, Part 1: Awesome Lift-Off in Sweden Plus a (not so) Little Extra from Asia

Everyday BlockShow
Published in
5 min readMar 23, 2018

How is it going, fellow Blockchainers? :)

It’s been a while since I posted here on Medium, and finally there is a perfect occasion for me to get back to you with a bunch of super great news — and some thoughts on them as well.

As you may probably know, BlockShow is currently in the middle of an epic meetup journey all over Europe. Right till April 27th our team will visit several cities accross Europe to meet the local Blockchain communities and explore important topics with some recognized experts.

But first…

…Our team decided to make something in a completely opposite direction — I mean, literally. We didn’t make that many announcements about this, so I guess some people from our community could be a little suprised by this turn of events — but finally it all made sense when Addy Crezee have posted on his Instagram about a mysterious 17-hour flight he was about to have.

Soon after, two things became clear: for our community it’s the fact that Addy was actually heading Taipei to hold (not just) another meetup there, and for me — that this activity was meticulously planned quite a while ago.

“Ever since BlockShow Asia 2017 was held, we’ve obtained a certain position in this region, and now we want to keep up with various activities, build up the community and bring some value to it; to provide businesses with a chance to show themselves”.

Taipei is a city where Blockchain businesses are developing actively on a governmental basis: all the insights are really positive regarding this, so we can’t remain indifferent to this fact, we must get to know the local audience better and share our vision of the situation

In future, in the short term, we will be partnering with even more prominent Blockchain companies from Asia in order to get back there with even more meetups”.

— Addy Crezee, CEO BlockShow

You can catch up on how it was and see some outtakes from our Taipei meetup here, here and in a several more videos right there. Speaking for myself, I can’t see a slightest reason to doubt the success of that meetup: not only because our organizing team can really make awesome events, but also because we were lucky to get huge support from our great Taiwan-based friends.

I guess now is a right moment to introduce you these friends! Mr. Block is the major Blockchain Community in Taiwan with a strong emphasis is on education and training others to properly evaluate and understand blockchain projects that have long term growth potential. Apart from that, the community’s own in-house engineer team allows Mr. Block to invest, facilitate, and build some Blockchain-powered

That was really cool to know that both BlockShow and Mr. Block enjoyed this little, yet fruitful collaboration! Soon after the event been held, I had a little chat with Mr. Block’s founder Chris, and that’s what he says:

I believe the meetup went very well. It really showed that the Taiwanese community love to hear more about Blockchain and crypotcurrency, especially with the present of BlockShow.

What I like the most is how fast two teams got together to make this happened! It just shows the speed of cryptocurrency world. BlockShow and MrBlock got together and planned out the event accordingly with zero delay, I think that’s the part I like the most.

— Chris Shen, Founder at Mr. Block

Just a bunch of cool Blockchain guys!

BlockShow Taipei MeetUp was a real fun — but still, this a small part of something BIG, which will be happening later this year, right till the Fall 2018, when our team plans to come back to Singapore with another edition of BlockShow Asia.

Hallå Stockholm!

BlockShow Taipei MeetUp was only a foreword, a warm-up before the main part of action including 8 meetups accross the entire Europe. Only 3 days after Taipei, on March 12, our team arrived in Stockholm, where they greeted the local Blockchain community at our starting European meetup.

Despite the fact of how small that event was, its program was fully packed with high-quality content. Apart from traditional fireside chat with Addy Crezee, meetup guests also had a chance to hear latest insight on what to expect from the ICO and Token markets this year, as well as why it’s important to invest in the Swedish Blockchain ecosystem in 2018.

Another important part of BlockShow meetups lies in selecting promising startups to become a part of Blockchain Oscar Finale in May. Having thoroughly watched several projects pitching from the stage, the BlockShow team along with meetup attendees have chosen the first finalist — Altpocket, a Sweden-based platform for for showcasing, tracking and sharing cryptoinvestments. Congrats, guys, and see you in Berlin soon!

Of course, It’s impossible not to mention all that help and support which were provided by our Swedish Co-organizers: Fintech Hub and Stockholm Blockchain. Thanks so much, dear colleagues! It was especially cool to see Ivan Liljeqvist, who’s not only a co-founder of Stockholm Blockchain, but also the good old friend of our conference :)

The Show Goes On!

That’s it for now! Of course, I have a lot more to tell you. While I was creating this piece, my teammates successfully held another meetup in Berlin, but it’s definitely something I’d like to save for a bit later — just to keep you all intrigued :) till the next time and stay tuned!



Everyday BlockShow

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