Everyday Creators: An Introduction

Lauren Quigley
Everyday Creators
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2017


I’m a sucker for interviews. I love learning about other people’s stories, whether they’re similar to my own or wildly different. As a writer, I’m always looking for insight into other minds and personalities, but on a more practical level, I also appreciate hearing from fellow writers about the things that have helped them become better writers.

And there’s plenty of advice out there. Just do a Google search and you’ll find tons of articles and resources from experts about how to hone your craft, whatever your craft is.

I don’t have anything against experts with years and years of experience, because they do have GREAT advice — but sometimes, when I’m in a creative rut or struggling to move forward, I’m more encouraged by the creators currently in the trenches with me. In an era when it’s easier than ever to play the comparison game and get down on yourself as you scroll through other artists’ Instagram feeds or social media profiles, I wanted to shed light on all types of creators to get the whole story… the good and the bad that we can all relate to, no matter what particular craft or level of experience we may have.

So I came up with about a dozen questions, and within the first few interviews I was able to conduct with some creative friends, I was immediately struck by how refreshing it is to engage in creative community. It seems obvious, but I hadn’t realized how long I’d been hanging out in a vacuum — trying to learn and grow, but without the priceless help of “iron sharpening iron.”

That’s my hope for this collection: that these interviews can offer insight, encouragement, and creative community for you as you experience the brutal, rewarding journey of being a creator.

Thank you for reading! ❤



Lauren Quigley
Everyday Creators

Writer, nutritionist, indie gamedev, curious human being