5 Signs A Person is Only Using You for Sex

Adrienne E. Cooper
Everyday Exclusive
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2017

According to a Person Who’s Only Used You for Sex

This image will likely confuse the shit out of you, as I’m speaking only o consensual sex here…but the bitch in color is me, so I find it hilarious.

I really wanted to go literal with this like I did the last one, but I figured that wasn’t very writerly of me. And I left a bar with possibly single men for this! Also, I changed the gender in the title, cuz FUCK THAT. And, to be clear, I don’t really understand the title. I mean, I do. BUT, I don’t think people should speak in terms of using one another, because it’s a vile way to behave (And, yes, I know that it exists, and I’ve been assaulted and I’ve been in bad relationships, but I still don’t want to live in a world where we only speak of sexually based relationships as something negative). So, I’m speaking to this subject as someone who’s had a relationship or several that were purely based on sexual desire, between consenting and understanding adults. Here goes…

  1. When your partner is willing to have sex with you in weird places without expecting flowers, or an invite to meet your family. There was a guy I used to sleep with, and I would text him things like “Hey, I’m horny” and other romantic words. Next thing you know — I’m fucking him in an office window, cuz that was the best we both could do at the time. And you know what? It was great. Not great, but great. Ya know? Anyway, if we were in a relationship, then I’d feel like I did him a favor (it wasn’t MY office) and I’d want breakfast in bed or something sweet in exchange. But, we were just sex friends, so we both got what we wanted just by having sex!
  2. There’s much less awkward small talk. There are pleasantries like, how are you? How’ve you been? You good? sort of stuff, but that’s pretty much it. We also don’t have to pretend that we’re not in the same place at the same time by accident. We’re here for the sex. Consensually.
  3. They tell you pretty early on that they don’t want anything other than sex or friends with benefits. If you’re hoping that the person who said with their words that they don’t want to have any non-sexual relationship with you will change, you need to leave now. Only in rom-coms does that sort of absurdist thing occur. If you want more than sex with this person, you need to move on as quickly as you can.
  4. After that first time you had sex, you’ve never really gone anywhere together where you weren’t close to a place where you could have sex. This is probably a thing that actually makes a lot of other listicles, but it’s pretty accurate. Although, one time I had my sex buddy come see a show I was in, but I wasn’t feeling sexy enough to actually get naked, so we just went to a bar and spoke of all the ways in which we were turning each other on…you’re welcome.
  5. Not all of your booty calls are responded to. This seems counter-intuitive, BUT if you have a life to live, then you’re not ALWAYS going to be available for sex. Naturally, this means that at some point you will sext the person you wanna bang and they won’t be at your beck and call — because you’re not in a romantic relationship. When you have someone at the ready that you can call, the beauty is that you can pursue other things with freedom and confidence. And on that note, I’m heading back out to the bar so I can find a new fuck buddy. Got sick of the last one a couple months ago. Go forth and be sexed!



Adrienne E. Cooper
Everyday Exclusive

Professional Foodie, Writer, Actor, Native New Yorker, Silly Human, Entrepreneur. Not to be confused w/the late Yiddish Singer of the same name.