Love Me or Eat Me.

Adrienne E. Cooper
Everyday Exclusive
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2017

What do you do when your food is just too pretty to eat?

Fuck, Eat, or Marry: Sushi Donut?

Today’s Insta-Snap-Era means that we’re constantly bombarded by beautiful images of food that may or may not taste as delicious as they appear to be. This has upped the creative requirements for most food vendors — especially those new to the scene who know just how impactful those photos can be to your social media and IRL presence. Not only do chefs have to think of how to create the best tasting offerings, but they should look damn good too! But, that leads the diner to quite a dilemna…to eat it or just take it home and spend all of your days making love to it. Science* says you should definitely eat the food. That’s what food is made for, and your body needs food to live. Society** on the other hand, believes that the food will go to your hips — only if that’s where you want to put it, because maybe that’s what turns you on. It also says “pics or it didn’t happen.” So, maybe it’s time to step outside of your comfort zone, and slip into your jammies to cuddle up to the next great food trend, and be sure that you live-stream that bitch, because voyeurs wanna voy.

*Science is unaware that its being quoted in this article, and I insist that you call this an article when you refer to it as you romance up your next bagel pie.

**Society’s name has been changed for protections from our vile and unpatriotic social construct.



Adrienne E. Cooper
Everyday Exclusive

Professional Foodie, Writer, Actor, Native New Yorker, Silly Human, Entrepreneur. Not to be confused w/the late Yiddish Singer of the same name.