
Monk Enō
Everyday Karma
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2017


The book ‘The Secret’ brought the subject of intention and manifestation to the forefront of the western New Age movement. While I won’t say the book doesn’t point toward a real subject, I consider it mystical malpractice. In my opinion, it barely inches across the line of partial truth. It omits mentioning the real likelihood of unintended consequences and therefore can leave the meddler wishing they never played. Even as I write this text I am still doubtful that I can maintain a message where people do not run off with half baked thoughts.

The truth of the matter is that you can meddle with karma. I see it in three ways; future, present and past. The following are simplified statements regarding an unfathomable subject, they are only provided for framing.

The future is where intention comes in to play.

As a rule, the less attention that is being paid to something the easier it is to use intent to shape outcomes.

The kindergarten version of intention is laid out in The Secret; this is akin to petitioning prayer, God(s) give me stuff. From my experience it is a quid pro quo game and asking for the quid without any consideration of the quo has its own karma. In other words be careful what you ask for. I personally do not have nearly a good enough imagination to consider the many ‘hows’ that may deliver the ask.

Beyond kindergarten schooling in intention it is much more complicated. I cannot say it better than the Trungpa Rinpoche stated it:

“This whole doctrine is connected not only with [a practice]. It needs a tremendous amount of experimentation, or working with oneself, which is largely activity. It is based on being aware of the after-[practice] experience: being aware of being a certain particular being in a certain particular situation. You are working with the awareness principle in your communication process and your reaction to situations, and trying to learn from that. Relating with [this] principle is a vast subject.” — Milarepa, p200

It is during the “experimentation” where you get a feel for the nature of the game. It is where you learn about such things as unintended consequences and costs, or better stated trade-offs. For me, mostly I learned to not play the game or at least be very judicious. Of course, there are many points inbetween and there are people more gifted than others, with or without their awareness of the gift.

The present, is where real time intercessions can happen. In the relative reality, this is observed as coincidence or synchronicity or miracle depending on your perspective and awareness. The meddle requires the ability to occupy a space where the entanglement is observable and time is malleable. In that space, you can express your will if you choose or act as a conduit.

I have no direct experience of meddling with past karma except for denying its outcome in the present. In time-malleable space, it is not un-believable that directly changing past events is possible. I cannot even imagine the juice one would have to channel as a conduit to effect this intentionally.

From here on I will not stop to justify references to meddling. If you desire further understanding of its reality I recommend you read about the more modern saints and mystics or siddhis of the Hindu tradition, they are recent enough to have secular observation documented, in some cases.

Practice and Freewill

We all have a will and we assert it whether we are aware of doing so or not. One of the things I have learned to respect is that even an unaware player can swing a powerful … (next)

Thank you for reading! Please follow Everyday Karma and check out my other publication The Zentrarian.

If you do not want to wait for the entire series the starting draft is Here on Kindle.

May your life go well.



Monk Enō
Everyday Karma

Zen Monk | Wandering through the Human Condition | Pubs: The Zentrarian and Everyday Karma