Why You Wish Your Boss Was A Cat

Kat Andersson
Everyday Leadership
4 min readJan 4, 2018


If you love cats, then I welcome you to this amazing blog about why cats make the best leaders. We all know the truth. Cats own us. But we are ok with it. That’s basically leadership, right?

If you don’t like cats, screw you. Go away. Ok don’t go away. Please read. Maybe you can become a better person. I’m not sure, but there’s always hope, right?

Cat lovers: You know this and will enjoy it.

Cat haters: You are about to have your mind blown.

“As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat.” -Ellen Perry Berkeley

Cats Communicate Effectively

All good leaders know communication is key. When cats are hungry, do they make you guess what they want? No! They tell you exactly what they want. In your face. At 5am.

When they are pissed with you, they vomit on the carpet right next to the bathroom where it would be easier to clean. They don’t smile at you and say everything is fine when they don’t mean it. They are honest, transparent communicators.

Cats Encourage Productivity

Do cats let you sleep in and waste your whole day with a hangover? No! They wake you up so you can do productive stuff. What do experts say? We should all wake up early so we can do our writing, our painting, our vlogging, ect. What do cats do? They get you the hell up so you can go do those things. And feed them. And let them out. And clean up the vomit on the carpet.

Cats Delegate Efficiently and Unashamedly

Leaders know when they need to do it themselves and when they need to delegate. Cats also know what their skills are, like sleeping and eating and being a 5am alarm clock and bringing you dead things. They also know what their skills aren’t and how to delegate those things, like feeding, cleaning up their poop, and opening the door then closing the door then opening the door then closing the door.

Cats Don’t Judge You For Your Failures

Ok. Cats judge. I can’t lie about that one. But they judge you for things like having a laptop on your lap or not sharing your cheese. They don’t judge you for breaking up with your boyfriend or whether you get a job right out of college or if you are on your seventh Grey’s Anatomy episode this morning. They care for you for who you are, not for your successes or failures. You could say they value you unconditionally.

They Don’t Care What Others Think

Cats do cats. They don’t care what others are saying about them. They do what they believe is right and don’t let others get in their way. You can judge a cat every second of the day and how much will that affect your cat? Not a tiny bit. They are the ultimate independent woman who don’t need no man or whatever. Leaders lead, they don’t let others tell them what to do.

“I have lived with zen masters, all of them cats.” -Eckhart Tolle in Guardians of Being

So. There you have it. I bet you wish your boss was a cat now. Hell, I bet you wish your president was a cat now.



Kat Andersson
Everyday Leadership

I promise I’m not as disturbed as my short stories are. But I am as cool as they are.