5 Things we can learn from Harry Potter series

Akshita Bhatt
Everyday Life of a 20-Something
3 min readApr 10, 2022

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Hello again,

Are you also waiting for your Hogwarts letter? What is your house? Does your wand has dragon heartstring? If all of these questions make sense to you, then my friend, you are one of us.

We are soon going to witness another one of the magical stories — Fantastic Beasts and the secrets of Dumbledore. And this reminded me of the pre-existing world of Harry Potter and I just cannot get enough of it. But more importantly, me as a teenager has grown into a 20-something adult now, and I can perceive those movies in much different way now. And this led us to me writing about what I feel we can learn from this epic saga. So here we go:

This line is one of the most memorable ones for me. But now as a grown up, I see this in a completely different light. ‘Books and cleverness’ or ‘Being smarter than everyone else and obnoxious’ never gets you anywhere after sometime. But talking to people, making friends at work and standing up for yourself when needed are much needed skills forever.

I recently re-watched this movie and this struck me so hard. We are constantly chasing our goals and trying to be happy but sometimes we really do forget to live. It is important to dream but to get obsessed with them and forget everything and everyone else will not sustain for a long time.

Tom Marvolo Riddle sounds quite normal but then You-Know-Who is the darker version and rightly so. And this makes me realize that when I read of the dark lord, in my mind it was a dark creature and a monster where as he was just a student knowing dark magic. I truly believe that yes fear of something is much much bigger than the thing itself. For fellow potter heads, Just think of the ‘BOGGART’ and say Ridikulous out loud..

People who we love are our inner circle and we have all the right in the world to fight with them, tell them that they are wrong and make sure that they realize their mistakes. Especially with our parents, sometimes we know that their thoughts are old and will not help us much in some circumstances such as career choice or partner choice. Standing up to them is more than necessary when we rightly feel so.

This is by far Dumbledore’s best line. And the reason for it is the sheer simpleton thought behind this. We chase happiness on the basis of what we lack. But, in reality, we can be happy as we are. The feeling we should strive for is persistence — persist to continue making our life better — everyday.

I hope you liked my outlook on the very famous ‘Harry Potter’. Feel free to post out your own views on this and let me know if you know some other great learnings from this epic.



Akshita Bhatt
Everyday Life of a 20-Something

Hey fellas, I am newbie in blogging, and here my motive is to share my experiences in everything in life, be it school, college, first dream and much more.