My experience with Avicii museum in Stockholm

Akshita Bhatt
Everyday Life of a 20-Something
4 min readMay 29, 2022

Travel Diaries

Today I am writing about one of the most awaited experiences of my life — Visit to Avicii Experience museum. Being a huge Tim fan, I was eager to visit this place since it opened in 2021. I love visiting all kinds of museum because we get to know so much by looking at the history, the amazing artifacts and just get an experience of what it was like back then. But now in the developed parts of the world, museum is no longer a seeing experience but it’s more of feel experience. And this one is nothing short of that.

For me, there are two most favourite elements of the world — Music and Technology. The Avicii Museum brings both of them together and I just loved it. The museum is aptly named as it IS an experience. There was no rules for photography and videography and I realised why was that. You can click pictures and take videos as much as you want because when you experience it yourself, it’s absolutely different than seeing pictures or videos. That’s why I feel no regrets to share my memories with you about the most loved EDM artist ever. And I hope that everyone who is reading this blog gets to experience this amazing work at least once in their life.

Let me give you an idea of what the experience is like by sharing some keywords to help you decode.

Music Production — EDM — FL Studio — Ostermalm — Virtual Reality (VR) — Artificial Intelligence (AI) — Travel — Popstar’s Life — Concert Experience — Le7els — Life

Still confused? I can understand that for some of you who haven’t visited Sweden yet, might not know what ‘Ostermalm’ is. That’s okay. Based on my experience, I can try to summarise what the museum holds and may be you can decide then if it’s worth the visit or not.

Themes explored:


@aviciiexperience beautifully showcases the whole life of Tim Bergling, starting with a glimpse of his first apartment at Ostermalm and they placed the objects in the room so meticulously that it looks like a 20 year old Tim is really living there. The whole museum is filled with headsets where you can just listen to different people who he worked with exclusively, about his early days as a music producer to an established global DJ and producer. They also showcased the trips he took in US and you can actually click your own picture int he same setup as her did when he went backpacking through US with his fellow musicians.


If you are a huge fan of Avicii, then you would have already known about his top hits, Swedish Grammy and much more. But it’s a surreal experience to see all those accolades on the wall. This museum is started with the idea that things he achieved shouldn’t be locked in the box and must be shared with everyone. Apart from accolades, his achievements in my opinion are also the songs, synths and riffs he created and gave some legendary hits.


This is one of a kind experience due to the use of technology. Most of the tour is experienced through audio clips, interviews and exclusives which can be listened through headphones and that too in English as well as Swedish. Also, there are some VR experiences where you can be inside the studio along with some prominent musicians and sing along with them.

One of the very creative experiences is to go into a mirror cave which represents the downside of success and fame at a very young age. It depicts the reasons for Tim’s struggles through maintaining his mental health due to his schedule. Another one such experience was to go through his meditation journey in eastern Asia and just relax in a soothing environment with chime sounds.

Last but not the least, for those who missed his tribute concert in Stockholm, the museum has a short video from the concert in a large hall which gives you the exact vibe of that specific concert. It shows the most memorable tribute to Tim Bergling along the sounds of his epic EDM anthem Le7els.

Overall, my experience was nothing short of surreal with a mix of emotions — from happy to sad to just accepting. There was a signbook at the end in which we filled a page with our thoughts about the experience and as true fans

For the fans of EDM, I would totally recommend to visit.

Check it out for more official information here:

Read my book review of Tim’s autobiography here:

Thanks for reading. See you next week

Disclaimer: All images are subjected to copyright. Please don’t use them without prior permission.



Akshita Bhatt
Everyday Life of a 20-Something

Hey fellas, I am newbie in blogging, and here my motive is to share my experiences in everything in life, be it school, college, first dream and much more.