Spending a peaceful Friday night

Akshita Bhatt
Everyday Life of a 20-Something
2 min readDec 22, 2021
Thank God, It’s Friday !!

Hello again,

Many of us have a 5-day week which means we work Monday to Friday and look forward to an amazing well-planned WEEKEND. But I have realized that some days I have no idea on what to do, especially on Fridays & Saturdays. And, not having a plan on weekends drives me crazy. I am sure, this is something which most of us can relate to especially this year which will go down in history as ‘the year of corona pandemic‘.

Over the weekends, I decided to focus on activities rather than days which made my life a bit easier and I no longer feel FOMO about the weekend plans. So, lets dive in further and how can we make out the best of our three holy-days every week.

Wrap-up your work before 4 PM on Friday

Well, this might not sound like an amazing plan, but it is actually a great stress-buster. Don’t finish your day in stress and completely worn-out on Fridays. Try to get a closure on your day, and if possible on the week as well so that you can start your next Monday extremely stress free. This cannot be done on Saturdays or Sundays because you might forget important things as well as those two days you should stay away from work as much as you can.

Calm Friday evening after 4PM

So, usually, Friday is a day for me where I just want to sit back and relax in the evening. So, I try to go out and meet my friends/partner and hang out with them. Do a movie night or cook together. If I don’t feel like socializing, then I would take a nice hot bath with a book. Relax in my tub and do some aromatherapy. These small gestures make me feel calm and composed and definitely work as stress buster.

Friday night rituals

Sometimes, creating night rituals also help to sleep better and to plan the next day. It is a really good idea to take this time on Friday night, so that you’re good to go on Saturday and don’t feel that you wasted the special Saturday. Sit with your favorite diary and scribble your thoughts — next day’s plan, doodling, checking off the past week’s tasks and just do whatever you feel like.

There are a lot of other activities to be planned, but I feel that this list might help me and you to just get started to have fun-filled weekends and get rid of our FOMO.

Share out some ideas in the comments below which you feel could be good kick-starters for a nice weekend.



Akshita Bhatt
Everyday Life of a 20-Something

Hey fellas, I am newbie in blogging, and here my motive is to share my experiences in everything in life, be it school, college, first dream and much more.