Animals Have Accents Too

Vocal variation within species reflects complex and fascinating social structures

Rosie Alderson, PhD
Everyday Science


Photo by Arve Kern on Unsplash

Ever been the ‘new kid’ on the first day of a school term?

I have, multiple times. We moved around a lot when I was growing up. In some ways, I was lucky: yes, we moved a tonne, but it was all around northern England, so, wherever I went, I had some shared dialect and accent with my new peers. Still, surviving at school is about finding your place in a complex and ever-changing social hierarchy, and my hotch-potch accent didn’t do me any favours.

Still, it could have been worse: I had a friend that had moved all the way from the south — her accent was constantly mimicked, the sound of her elongated ‘voooooweeeeels’ a constant source of curiosity to her flatter-voweled northern classmates. Of course, a confident child can make the most of this, wear their ‘difference’ as a badge of honour, and even (if deemed high enough in the social pyramid) influence others to take on their ‘non-native accent’.

For example, I have witnessed a whole school friendship group take on an American accent, to try and imitate the new ‘cool’ kid: this was pretty hilarious.



Rosie Alderson, PhD
Everyday Science

(Hungry) Science Nerd: educator, writer and general foodie.