Never Date an “IITian”

“So here I am talking from the view point of a guy, no offense to girls.”

Everyday Stuff


IIT is a dream of every child who wants to be an engineer whether it be a guy or a girl, it is undoubtedly one of the the toughest exams to crack and one often wonders that after years of intensive study and not socializing , he would finally get to encounter few girls in IIT, but guys beware.

“Its an all boys college”

I don’t however mean to say that there are not any girls , there are. WAIT

“Dont get your hopes up high so soon”

There are but they are no less compared to a guy, with a stubble look, a ponytail hanging all the length to their waist, few of them even have short cropped up hair and if it was not for their name you might have mistook them for a guy, but at the same time names are deceptive too, the other day i met a guy named ‘Gunjan’—is it weird only to me.

This was kind of the first impression of me of IIT girls 3 years ago and in the first few months only I resolved never to date an IITian and the resolved intensified to such an extent that to this date i havent have had even a 2 minute conversation with an IIT girl.

So, when these girls come into IIT, they get a lot of attention from guys-desperate and normal ones too, imagine it in this way that a girl who is one of the most unpopular teenager in high school, a nerd, a geek, no friends, people made fun of her oil clad hair, thick glassed frames, the way they dressed up. I am sure there must have been girls like that in your school too and you never even said hello to them and now you are running after these kind of girls, so when such a girl comes into IIT they develop such a high attitude that it would be all the more better to just stay away from them, desperate guys, go ahead, no harm.

No, I am not justifying their attitude, its all but natural, you would have done the same thing if you were a girl.

In a typical class in IIT the sex ratio is in the range 0-0.2, not exceeding that in any case. Consider a situation(real-life) that in a class of 102, you have 2 girls, naturally all the 100 guys would like to indulge themselves with the 2 girls, getting all this attention from so many guys, they try to exploit these guys by making them do their assignments, lab work and other project stuff, few guys dont even mind doing such things, they end up doing the work of that girl and forget their own, pity on you people. This cycle usually goes on till that girl gets committed.

After the first semester gets over by, which is usually quite fast and you come back to college after the vacations there is a new revelation that those supposedly guys are actually girls, somehow they undergo a drastic makeover during vacations, and just now you are thinking about indulging with them, but you are too late , the groups have already been made and if you are not in one, you will never be in one. The second semester goes by just in trying to get into a group or try to engage with a girl and by the end of first year most of the girls in fact every one of them is committed to a guy of their group, and if you are in that group that sucks all the more and you often wonder about the life of the guy who is committed, dont be jealous about that though, let me give you brief glimpse of their life if they were you.

Quite a few of the classes begin at 8 am so first of all you need to wake her up at 7 am and for that you yourself need to wake up at 6.30 then stand outside her hostel waiting for her at 7.45 in the heat of the summer and in the chill of the winters, she will come down at 8.05 at least, so then you walk her up to her class and then to your class, after class she would expect you to be waiting outsider her class, then drop her off to her next class or her lab, get a cup of coffee meanwhile. After you drop her off to her lab on the 6th floor of the building , she would message you that her practical will be over by this time so 15 minutes before you need to come up and wait, then if by any reason she is late, wait all the more, then you two have some personal time to spare where she will talk about that this girl did this, that girl did that, how my roomates are crappy, how they disturb me so much and all that shit. You would probably think that now i should go to my room and have company of my friends but then she would say lets go somewhere for dinner, as if the whole day was not enough, you end up going to a fancy restaurant for dinner , when you come back to the campus, you think now can i go and she says lets walk for a while. So now you guys end up walking through the lonely streets at night, no matter how romantic that sounds, it does not feel like after a complete day of hard work. Finally she says that lets go, you are relieved at this fact, you drop her off and just as you are about to go, she says that I need to complete that file or do that work but i am too tired to do, could you please do that for me and she says that with such a ‘puppy face’ that you cant say no, so after the long walk to your hostel at 2 am you end up spending another hour or so to complete her work and finally doze off. These kind of relationships generally go on for quite a long and it does not break off till the guy is fed up, why would the girl break it off, she is getting everything.

So , is this the kind of relationship you wanted to have, ask yourselves, choose wisely, my friends. To me it somehow seems like baby sitting a kid, there is not much of a difference in either except the fact that you do get paid for baby sitting and here you end up spending everything you have.

This category comprises of 95% of the total girls in IIT, we do have a 5% who are similar to the sluts of DU, they are worse in fact, they flirt with everyone, hangout with everyone, make them do their work but no further shit. These are the “BITCHES”.

Now, the question arises what you as a guy should do, what options do you have , here are a few.

  1. Hangout with girls from you school, especially ones in DU.
  2. Ask them to hook up with some of their friends from DU.
  3. Attend DU fests, workshops, events, girls from DU are fairly easy and have kind of a thing for IIT guys.
  4. Go to all girls colleges like Miranda House, LSR, Lady Hardinge, Kamla Nehru College, you might/will get lucky.
  5. Invite your school friends to the fests, they bring in a lot of girls with them and it is a very good opportunity.
  6. Being an IITian would open plenty of doors for you outside the campus, so just explore them, dont be stuck inside.

“These are my personal opinions from my experiences, your personal opinion may be different, no offense to any IIT girl”



Everyday Stuff

farzi engineer/travel,photography,bakchodi(24x7)/decent tennis player/gadgets/sometimes a jerk!!