Highlights (and lowlights) of my 30 Day Yoga Challenge

SW Well
Everyday Wellness
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2018
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Let’s start with the lows.

I’m going to be honest, it was hard. And further disclosure, there were a few days I couldn’t bear to get on the mat. There were days I was sick and tired and stressed. Even right at the end, I’d had a really tough day at work and probably spent about 5 minutes on the mat.

The highs — know why yoga is addictive, especially those styles such as Bikram and Vinyasa. They challenge you mentally and physically during the class, and leave you with this amazing sense of euphoria at the end. I do feel stronger and more importantly, I feel calmer and more focussed, like I’m on top of stuff. I’ve fallen in love again with Rocket Yoga and equally with Yin Yoga, both polar opposites in the styles of yoga.

Just like life, there were highs and lows for me over the past month. Much like Yoga, reflecting the Yin and the Yang. Life is a constant balancing act.

“Yoga doesn’t give you what you want, it gives you what you need”.

In those times where I was sick and tired and stressed, I couldn’t see that Yoga would have been a great tonic — it’s de-stressing and energising and calming. The days I made it, I felt amazing, happier, healthier. 30 days was always an arbitrary thing. I need to keep this up, for the rest of my life. Having fallen off the yoga wagon before, I can see bad habits crept back — reaching for a glass of wine to swallow the stresses of the day, anxiety, negativity, poor posture, injury…. Yoga, or simply any form of exercise, keeps you in check, in balance.

Thanks for coming along on my journey. See you on the mat.



SW Well
Everyday Wellness

Weekend wellness warrior. Lapsed yoga junkie, aspiring vegan, trying to be mindful. Based in SW London.