Celebrating Libraries and Library Workers at a Difficult Stage

In times of book bans and censorship, libraries need your support more than ever

Amy Rea
4 min readApr 2, 2024


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April has several specific library-focused celebrations. The month of April is School Library Month, the week of April 7 is National Library Week, and April 9 is National Library Workers Day. Here at EveryLibrary, we believe every month is Library Month and every day is Library Workers Day, but we’ll happily celebrate even more for these observances!

But what do these celebrations mean in an era of book bans and laws that dictate prosecuting library workers who go against the recommendations of book banner? It’s hard to celebrate when censorship, book bans, and even book burnings are taking up so much of the oxygen in discussions about libraries.

More than ever, libraries and the people who work in them need not just our appreciation but also our support. Here are some ways, big and small, that you can help your local library.

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If book banning and censorship worries you — and it should — April 11 is Take Action for Libraries Day. Officially, it’s a day when libraries invite their congresspeople to visit the library and see firsthand what great work is done there.

But patrons can be involved too; if your library has a congressperson coming to visit, try to meet them there and express your concerns. Otherwise, contact your congresspeople to let them know you don’t approve of book bans. (If you don’t know who your representative or senator is, this site will help.)

If your library is facing censorship consider launching a campaign on Fight for the First. Campaigns on Fight for the First will allow you to take action against book bans in your community and gain direct support from EveryLibrary.

But why stop there? Libraries face challenges at local levels all the time. Contact your local school board or library system (county, city, district) and speak up for your library.

Speaking of school boards, consider attending local school board meetings to learn what challenges your school library may be facing. If someone is proposing a book ban or other form of censorship, let the board know you disagree.

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For National Library Workers Day, consider nominating your favorite library worker for the Galaxy of Stars. And while you’re at it, consider letting the library worker know you did that and why. Maybe even find out who their supervisor is and tell them. It’s amazing how a quick moment of praise can make an enormous difference in a library worker’s day.

The EveryLibrary Institute and EveryLibrary are partnering with Dr. Tasslyn Magnusson, an independent researcher focused on the networks, organizations, and individual actors who are leading book banning and book challenge efforts in our nation’s school libraries and public libraries. See Dr. Magnusson’s database of banned books— and request a few of your favorites from your library. When you pick them up, thank the library workers for having them available. (If they’re unfortunately not offered in your system, perhaps politely request that your selected list be added.)

If your local library system has a means of accepting donations, consider doing so. If they don’t, and you want to support a library advocacy group, look no further than EveryLibrary. Our mission is to help libraries grow, thrive, and receive the respect they deserve. You can donate here. Together, we’ll keep fighting book bans and censorship and help libraries carry us into the future.

Visit www.everylibrary.org to learn more about our work on behalf of libraries.

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