Graphic Novels: Not Just Comic Books

The surprising literacy benefits of this underrated reading format

3 min readApr 13, 2023


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Graphic novels often receive a bad reputation for being a “lesser form” of reading. However, contrary to popular belief, graphic novels are just as beneficial as traditional books, with some being unique to the art form. If you’ve never sat down and read a graphic novel for yourself, now is the time to give it a try! Here’s what you need to know about graphic novels and why they’re a valid form of reading.

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Improves Reading Comprehension

Graphic novels are just as capable of improving literacy and writing skills as traditional printed novels. In fact, graphic novel adaptations of classic literature like Pride and Prejudice and To Kill a Mockingbird make these books more accessible and understandable. Even so, people still need to read the text alongside the novel’s included illustrations. This teaches readers proper punctuation, grammar guidelines, and literary interpretation.

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Encourages Reluctant Readers

Graphic novels are becoming increasingly popular in schools due to their ability to capture the attention of reluctant readers. Kids do like to read, but they may lack the tools needed to fully comprehend what they’re interacting with. Having visual images coinciding with traditional text intrigues reluctant readers and encourages them to keep moving forward with the story. This can also make graphic novels great for people experiencing a reading slump!

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Initiates a Fast Pace

While it should be emphasized that graphic novels are just as important as traditionally written text, they do make reading more accessible. One of the ways they accomplish this is through their fast-paced style of storytelling. Everything moves along with the novel’s images, forcing readers to keep going with the story. As a result, it often takes much less time to finish a graphic novel than a traditionally written novel. However, this makes graphic novels great for people with learning disabilities or for those who become easily restless while reading.

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Nurtures an Appreciation for Art

On its own, writing is already an art form. When paired with beautiful, expressive illustrations, it allows readers to gain a whole new appreciation for a separate art form. While both are important for different purposes, graphic novels encourage readers to interpret visual language. After all, paintings are often much deeper than their surface-level appearance. Paired with specific pieces of text, graphic novels make you think critically about the art you’re engaging with.

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