“Augh! The Constitution” — Library Editorial Cartoon

Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2017


“Intellectual freedom is a bedrock value of any healthy democracy, and fundamental to any library that serves the public. That includes academic and school libraries, too, where the Supreme Court has ruled that students do not give up their Constitutional right when they enter the campus. After 9/11, the FBI often tried to use the PATRIOT Act to force libraries to give up the reading habits and borrowing records of patrons. Librarians resisted, and the courts frequently rejected so-called “national security letters” investigators tried to use get subpoenas of patrons’ private records. I’m proud of librarians taking that stand, and know they will do so in the future.”

— Kevin Moore is EveryLibrary’s 2017 Artist in Residence.

EveryLibrary is proud to welcome Kevin Moore as our 2017 Artist in Residence. As a noted editorial cartoonist and a working librarian, Mr. Moore will bring a unique and timely perspective to the political climate for libraries through new creative work. This Residency begins September 4th, 2017 and will run through November 7th, the traditional “Labor Day to Election Day” period when political and issue campaigns are in the minds of voters across the country. Mr. Moore will produce a series of weekly editorial cartoons focused on library-related issues and themes which will be released by EveryLibrary for use copyright free by libraries across social media and outreach channels. His Residency will be capped-off by an interactive collaboration across EveryLibrary’s extensive network of library activists and advocates.




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