Library Launches a Locally Sourced Music Streaming Platform

Crescent City Sounds is an example of what can happen when people come together to nurture their community

2 min readOct 24, 2022


Photo by Thibault Trillet on Pexels

Crescent City Sounds

A new streaming service provided by the New Orleans Public Library seeks to connect local individuals with the city’s musical artists. Known as Crescent City Sounds, this platform features 30 local albums spanning genres like brass, soul, hip-hop, jazz, and more. Better yet, the service is free.

Award-winning local artists and music-industry professionals thoughtfully curated the platform’s songs and albums. New Orleans Public Library staffer Joshua Smith was a massive part of making Crescent City Sounds possible, serving as the head of the project.

Photo by Yan Krukov on Pexels

Enriching the Community

According to Smith, “the local music community has enriched my life in many ways. A way to give back to those who have given to all of us.”

Crescent City Sounds aren’t just an archive of the city’s cultural scene — it also offers a boost to the economy by directly supporting local artists. All featured artists will be on the platform for at least five years and receive compensation for non-exclusive licensing rights.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels


Crescent City Sounds is an example of what can happen when people come together to nurture their community and foster meaningful relationships between local artists and the library. You can listen to and support Crescent City Sounds at crescent city

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