Yummy Yummy!!
As I wake up in the morning to get ready for school I always seem to be hungry. Not eating can put me in a bad mood and I’ll be honest I can be mean and get irritated if I don’t get food. In the morning I am always seem to be grumpy because my stomach is seeking for me to find food and eat. I am sure many of you can relate to being hungry right when you get out of bed. I usually don’t eat breakfast so for my second experiment I am going to eat breakfast right before I leave to go to school.
Its November 10, 2017 and I had woken up twenty minutes earlier than what I usually do. I go to the kitchen and figure out what to eat, and I decide I am going to put a little something together. I had just grabbed some strawberry, banana yogurt and got a granola bar. After I start to get ready for school and already start to feel better than how I usually feel when I don’t eat. I definitely had more energy that morning. As I started my day, I felt already so much better. I started to go to my classes and already feel good. I know I for sure had payed more attention than usual. When I don’t eat breakfast I am usually focused on my stomach not growling and asking my friends if they have anything to eat. That day I didn’t have to ask anyone and just started my classes on a good note. That day I was also participating more in class and got more work done in class and didn’t have to do as much work at home. This experiment was a success!