Africa is processing to get a quality education.

Everyone get quality education
2 min readMar 17, 2021

How is Africa processing?

Africa is one of the most serious country lack of quality education. Why Africa is lacking quality education? The reason for Africa's lack of quality education is because of Africa’s economy. Children who couldn’t receive a quality education might be in poverty and might be a gender issues. As the author who from Guinea work in the education system said, “I’ve spent a lifetime championing girls’ and women’s learning, and have worked tirelessly to promote access to and quality of education in my home country, across the African continent and in the world at large.”(2019) In other words, the Africa government already in progress that planning everyone receive a quality education, and they are working hard to achieve the goal.

According to the article, “Africa is already halfway through the First Ten-year Implementation Plan (FTYIP) of Agenda 2063, and almost one-third of the way through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) completion.”(2019) Which is helping Africa society to have intellectually and economically improved. From 2008 to 2013, I could see from the data that Africa has a big increase in the average of the score. But from 2013 to 2017 Africa didn’t rise anymore, looks like the average score stays the same. According to the data, we could see that the first ten years of Africa progress was doing good. Which is leading Africa towards knowledge and morally.

“In a context of a booming youth population and a decade (2008–2017) of sustained economic growth, African youth are being faced with increasing struggles when entering the job market.”(2019) As the author said, if Africa stays at this point didn’t provide some improvement, the teenagers are going to face a very serious problem with their career. This means Africa still need to revise their statement to ensure Africa on the right pace.

As we could know, years before Africa is backward. In 2008, the average score of Africa is only 40. In 2013, the average score of Africa is 45. However, it’s only 5 points, but it shows the strive of Africa government. I believe in someday, Africa will catch up to the average of the world. “The African Governance Report sheds light on the crucial challenges that lie ahead and points to areas where governments and partners can action in order to steer progress in the right direction.” When everyone received a quality education, our society will be harmonious and beautiful.


Foundation, M. (2019, November 01). Access to and quality education: How is AFRICA progressing? Retrieved March 17, 2021, from



Everyone get quality education

I’m a Chinese students, studying in University at Buffalo. My major is Management Information System.