a different love story

3 min readDec 2, 2013

She moved to a new city after ending an old relationship. After setting down, she found a new job. Every morning, she went to the same subway station to her new office. A man went to that station at the same time she did everyday. All the time, he stood in the same place in the train next to her.

One day when she accidentally needed to go to work earlier, she noticed the man blocked her way watching through the window was gone and then she realized that it was the same person who has been standing beside her for a long time.

Something in her heart was ignited. She decided that next time she sees him, she has to look at him carefully and even say hi to him. But there was not next time afterwards. Next time she went to work, he was not there. She felt disappointed thinking if something was happened to him so that he was not at there. Then tomorrow, she thought. But no, even the day after tomorrow, he was not at there. she guessed that the man was no longer standing next to her anymore. I will forget him later, she told herself. Time will make you forget. She believe in it and she believed she will forget him soon as long as she cannot see him. It seems time made fun of her or she underestimated the ability of her to remember, harder she tried to forget him, clearer she remembered him. Ridiculously, she may had fell in love with a man who she doesn't even know how he looks. If he doesn't attractive to her, how come its so difficult to forget him.

Things were getting worse. As if it became a disease, she see someone likes him everywhere though she knew that that shouldn't be him. As time goes on, everything started driving her crazy as she not only saw him everywhere but hear a male voice calling her name. She quit her work immediately and pack up moving to a new city.

In the same station she spent many time with, the platform is crowed even though it was at midnight. Looking at those people, they all had a same face, a blurred, tired, upsetting face. She walked into a train with them and then she closed her eyes. Hey, are you okay? Someone asked her with a familiar voice. Heart pumped strongly, she opened her eyes seeing a face she thought of all days. She wanted to scream that she is so excited but she felt like she was crying. The man asked why are you crying. She kept shaking her head speechlessly. Suddenly, she felt something hit into her gut straight through her body without any pains. She looked at him seeing his smile face. He said with a familiar voice, gently, softly, you are tired you need some sleeps. She stayed still for a second and then she smiled. He touched her face and then stood up stepping to the next stop.

