Harmony In Your Eyes

True love

Cilian Murphy
1 min readApr 4, 2024


Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

Just you and I

In the quiet of twilight’s embrace,

where stars whisper secrets to the moon,

I find solace in the contours of your smile."

A painting created with love’s lovely melody.

Your eyes are twin galaxies of awe.

Hold constellations yet unexplored.
And among its depths, I forget myself.
A traveler becomes lost in love’s divine paradise.

Your laughter is a symphony fashioned from stardust.

Echoes in the caverns of my heart.

Each note is a promise of forever.

A symphony that goes beyond time’s art.

In the warmth of your touch, I find the poetry of skin-to-skin contact.

A language unspoken but understood,

where love blossoms like wildflowers in spring.

So let our spirits intertwine like ivy.
Climbing to eternity's limitless sky,
For in your embrace, I have found my home.

I’ve found my home in your arms, and my love will never leave me.

May this poetry ignite the fire of love in your heart. ❤️

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Cilian Murphy

Cilian Murphy inspires me a lot ❤️. Your Path to wellness, a Healthier and a Happier You! 🌿💪✨. I Love Horror stories, Fiction, the unknown and the Cosmos.