How to Make Beautiful Fashion Pictures for Instagram

The style of Glamorous Instagram photos is ideal for promoting goods from the fashion segment. They invariably collect thousands of likes and followers. Actually not everyone is good at creating this subtle style.

Eugenia Ismagilova
3 min readJun 13, 2017


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To learn to do this is much easier than it seems. The Vogue Magazine prepared the article in which Instagram famous photographers tell how to catch the perfect light and which of the VSCO filter will make your photos look glamorous.

Here are six main tips from this article

Use natural light: Shoot your photos near the window or on the street where there is natural light and away from artificial light.

Compose your feed: Figure out what your feed needs — more close-ups or distance shots — and take it from there.

Color-coordinate: Before posting a new photo, make sure the colors of the new one will go well with the colors of the previous one.

Pay attention to perspective: Before posting on Instagram remember to edit. There are two editing options that can adjust the perspective of your photo (vertically and horizontally), so everything can be parallel to the lines of the grid. Make sure the lines of your photos (doors, windows, and others) follow the grid with its 90-degree lines.

Embrace gray weather: Cloudy days are good for shooting portraits because the light spreads out everywhere.

Favorite photo-editing apps: VSCO and Snapseed.

While you’re just learning the basics of glamorous photography, you can use free pictures by Tamara Bellis to promote your account. There is everything that Instagram users love: natural soft light, pastel colors and beautiful textures. Use them to make your ad posts more effective.

Find more Fashion pictures on Everypixel.

