New Everypixel: Modest Design — Immodest Features

Now, Everypixel is searching not only by microstock sites, but also by 12 premium image sources.

Everypixel Team
4 min readJul 28, 2017


Imagine that suddenly there was a massager built into your favorite old armchair, where you always relax watching TV after work. Without ruffle or excitement. Then, an automatic footrest was added. Your armchair has become so comfortable that you have actually thought about moving to freelancing, so as not to leave it for a minute. And the most interesting fact is that you did not pay a cent for these updates.

Everypixel as convenient, as your favorite armchair.

Today, a similar feeling has been experienced by users of the search engine for stock photos: Everypixel.

For the first time since the launch in September 2016, the site has been seriously updated. The main of which is the addition of a new section consisting of 12 premium stock image sources in Everypixel.

The founder of Everypixel, Dmitry Shironosov:

The first version of Everypixel appeared last year in MVP (minimum viable product) format. Then, it was important for us to test our hypotheses and understand whether this search engine is necessary to someone, or if it only seems to us that there is a problem with the stock image market.

But after numerous positive responses from users, which we received in March 2017 on Product Hunt, it became clear that Everypixel is in demand. Then, we started to develop it thoroughly.

What’s New?

Premium photos

We added a new section with stock photos from premium image websites. These include 12 high-quality image sources, for example, Offset and Stocksy. A distinctive feature of these sites is the rigid requirements for photos and great teams of curators. Of course, the pictures are more expensive than on microstock sources. But believe us, often they really worth it.


Everypixel has a black and minimalistic web brutalism style with an emphasis on typography. In the first version of Everypixel design, the violet color dominated. Now we kept it in the accent colors, which nicely harmonize with the black background. Also, a convenient menu with navigation and the price filter have been added to the main page.

We rebuilt the photo card, and now it’s easier to compare prices and see the available sizes of pictures on different image sources. In addition, you can share your favorite photo in social networks.

Search Filters

In the Color search filter, now you can enter exact values in RGB, HSB, or HEX format. And the choice of the palette became clearer.

Image source filter is combined with a filter for paid and free photographs. Now, you can fine-tune the search based on the price, quality, or photo source in one tab.

Correction of Typos

Searching is easier, even if you are in a hurry. If you make a mistake in the search query, Everypixel will correct the typos and show the result.

+ 40 Million Photos

Another 40 million photos were added to the already huge base of 200 million photographs. And this means that with Everypixel you have 40 million more chances to find the perfect photos.

What are we working on now?

  • We continue to train the neural networks, trying to achieve the ideal automatic curation of search results. In September, it will be possible to evaluate the work of the new algorithm.
  • Soon, we will design a user’s personal account with statistics and the ability to create albums with their favorite photos.
  • We decided not only to index already existing free image sources but also to contribute to the world’s treasury of creativity. So, in September, we will launch the project Everypixel Exclusive, where every day we will upload one free photo from the project partners.

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