Finding calm in the chaos

How I successfully practice the “Finding Calm in the Chaos” superpower and you should too!!

Anand Safi


“ Finding Calm in the Chaos” -> easier said than done.

There is no magic wand to make this change happen or a mantra that will cause overnight success with this. It takes time to put this into practice and reap the rewards of this mindset and operational dynamic. It does not matter when you start practicing this since it will become permanent thereafter.

Let us look at two scenarios, a personal life one and a professional workplace one, to showcase the impact of this superpower.

  1. In Personal Life

Think of your latest argument/ verbal fight with anyone. The one that was a heated exchange and ended in an unpleasant way.

Reflect on what led to this being so chaotic in the first place? A core reason might simply be the sheer aggression and need to get your point across. When both the actors in a conversation do that, it leads to CHAOS vs a healthy debate. Each person becomes tone-deaf to what the other is saying and simply adds to noise by proving they are right and the other is wrong.

The Superpower:

For the above situation, imagine if one of the persons maintained their patience and calm in that moment. It…



Anand Safi

Senior Engineering Leader | Mentor & Coach | Board Member | 3x Leadership Global Awards Winner (CREA, 10x Managers, IAOTP)