The Great Michael Keaton Backlash Of 1988 -

Jamie Logie
Back in Time
Published in
12 min readJun 9, 2019


Fans are always concerned with the casting choices that go into movies they’re looking forward to, but nothing captured this more back in 1988..

In 1988, Michael Keaton was chosen to play Batman in Tim Burton’s upcoming version and the decision caused a tremendous backlash from movie executives to letter-writing campaigns from fans directed at Warner Bros. Studios opposing the decision.

With the recent announcement of Robert Pattinson tapped to play the caped crusader, there was an understandable large amount of backlash over the choice. How could a former teen heartthrob play this iconic role? This, however, is nothing new for the character of Batman as the casting choices have always garnered groans, concerns, and ugly backlash over the years.

The choice of Ben Affleck was seen as ridiculous by many not to mention the fact Val Kilmer, and then George Clooney of all people had been chosen to play the Dark Knight.

But we need to go back in time to when this all really began, and the all-time fan backlash to the actor choice to play a comic book hero.

This is a look back at the original 1988 backlash for the choice of Batman; Michael Keaton.

The Red-Headed Step Child Of The Movie Industry



Jamie Logie
Back in Time

Some health, a little marketing, and a lot of 1980s content