The Story Behind the ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Books

Jamie Logie
Back in Time
Published in
8 min readJun 20, 2020


The amazing history of a childhood favorite

Pic via empireonline

Even if you didn’t love reading, there may have been one book that seemed like you were experiencing a real-life video game

Choose Your Own Adventure books were a series of kids gamebooks popular in the 1980s. They were written from a second-person point of view where the reader became the protagonist, making choices that would alter the story. The books would sell over 350 million copies through the 80s.

If there’s one powerful memory I have from being a kid it was discovering the Choose Your Own Adventure books. I genuinely enjoyed reading and even at a young age, was big into the Narnia books. But with Choose Your Own Adventure, it was like discovering a game-changer. They were so interactive and immersive that you couldn’t help but feel like part of the story.

I remember keeping one of these books in my desk in third grade and trying to read sneakily as I couldn’t wait to see what happens.

Turns out I wasn’t the only one into them, and you’ll see what a massive success this book series was that has lasted for decades.

Fun fact; The font used for the titles on the books is part of the inspiration for the Stranger Things logo.



Jamie Logie
Back in Time

Some health, a little marketing, and a lot of 1980s content