An Oasis in the Sky

Exploring the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Brennen Esval
Everything Antiquity


We’ve all heard about Babylon’s Hanging Gardens in one way or another. From its flowing aqueducts to its exotic flora, this ancient wonder of the world needs no introduction.

Despite all the records of it, there is no physical evidence of these gardens ever existing. While we may never know the truth behind this lost Eden, that doesn’t mean we can’t look into it.

Birth of an Empire

While many are familiar with the Babylon of Biblical times, it is certainly not the first civilization of its kind.

Deep in West Asia, in the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates, the land of Mesopotamia had been occupied long before the time of the gardens. First by the Sumerians, then the Amorite Dynasty, both originating and dissolving millennia before the Hanging Gardens were even an idea.

Cuneiform tercotta cylinder detailing the conquests of Nebuchadnezzar II.

The Neo-Babylonian Empire came into power around 620 BCE, marking the start of the Chaldean Empire. King Nebuchadnezzar II rose to power soon after.

He swiftly reinvigorated the stagnating Empire through military expansion, including sacking Jerusalem and expanding Babylonian rule across the Levant.

