Substantially Reduce Your Mental Suffering

A Quick Guide

Ankit Nagar
Everything Around The Sun (E.A.T.S.)
2 min readMay 9, 2022


It’s simple really.

See through the illusion that there is a self, a subject, an “I”, to which everything happens.

And then all seemingly daunting instances will cease to bother you as much.

With no subject to which everything keeps happening, no locus of consciousness behind the eyes, there is no need to hold on to any make-believe vantage point we establish for ourselves.

Because there is none.

Neuroanatomically, philosophically, and experientially, this holds true.

Now, this might be the spot where your bullshit sensors start flaring up, so stay with me as I first break this idea down conceptually.
And then justify my claims so you can carry on your day having read an interesting perspective.

As it gains momentum increasingly steadily, the mental health movement has opened up a lot of doors for a tremendous amount of people to come forth, express, and feel heard.

Essentially, all mental health practitioners are on the same quest: To aid their client's understanding of the presented problem by helping them alter their perception, and realize that it is just that, a perception.

After reading through a fair bit of the foundational pillars of modern psychology, the stuff that practitioners use as a base, I felt more uneasy than anything else, to be honest.

Let me tell you why.

The entire approach to psychology is dependent on viewing a person as an individual entity separate from the outside world.

And while it is essential to be able to function intelligently in this world, to be sane, you need to stop viewing yourself as a separate entity.

You are the world, and the world is you. Whatever you do, directly influences the next new moment that is created for the world. Exactly as the world does for you.

Two sides of the same coin, yin, and yang, as above so below, call it what you want, the fact of the matter is the moment you separate yourself from the world in your mind, an incessant need to maintain your identity and status quo develops.

This is very much like grasping at straws.

Because all you do is try to hold on to an image of yourself, and then when anything from the ‘external’ world affects you, it now has been given the power and ability to cause distress, anguish, anxiety, and agony.

Never mind the straws, this is more like grasping at the sand.

If only we would allow ourselves to enjoy this brief period of wakefulness with each other, instead of against, with all these boundaries that are established nowhere except on paper and in your head.

If only…

Where would we be today…

