Everything Art Submissions

Sophia S.B.
Everything Art
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2020

Want to submit to Everything Art? It’s easy!

At Everything Art, we’re looking for any piece, short or long, that centers around art. Whether you’re an art history fanatic, discovering stories behind famous artists and their pieces, or writing about your own experiences with art, we’d love to have you. We mostly focus on visual art, although music, acting, and certain types of film and media articles are accepted as well.

Here are the guidelines for submitting your post to a publication after you’ve been added as a writer. If you aren’t currently a writer for Everything Art (or just want an article guidelines refresher), read on for how to become one!

We look for polished, interesting pieces. Grammarly is a great editing tool, as is reading pieces aloud before publishing them. If you’re writing something factual, please cite all your sources.

No copyrighted images allowed! Please use a source like Unsplash for all of your images, or ensure that they’re free to use before including them. With art, this can be difficult, but most older art pieces are free use. You can also look up a particular art piece by name on Unsplash and photos will likely come up. And, yes, we do appreciate articles with photos! Use as many as you can (within reason).

We reserve the right to edit your piece. Grammar mistakes, clarity, image cropping and replacement — all of these are things we’ll fix on the regular. We won’t change up your story too much, though!

Now that that’s out of the way, submitting to Everything Art is easy! Email us at everythingartpub@gmail.com to join our team. If you want to be added to a writer, simply email us with your name and a link to your profile. If you want to have a specific story added, please send your name, profile, and a link to the draft of the story you want to submit. If you want to include a bit about yourself, that’s great too!

We’re always accepting submissions and will respond within a few hours. New writers are incredibly important to us since we’re so small!

Thanks for checking us out! We look forward to having you.

-Everything Art



Sophia S.B.
Everything Art

Uncovering the unknown stories behind the authors, filmmakers, and media-makers you love.