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Atheism 101. Your Guide to Going Godless.

Your belief got busted. Now what?

Michelle Steele
Everything Atheist
Published in
5 min readNov 24, 2019


You’ve just worked out that you’re an atheist.

It’s with a dollop of cheerfulness and a soupçon of indifference that I welcome you into the worldwide group of random humans who only share a single common denominator → ‘we all lack belief in gods’. The reactions from other atheists will be broad… maybe bemused, possibly uninterested, or perhaps delighted to have you join the ranks. I offer you a crisp high five.

There’s no welcome party or a ticker-tape parade but given that atheism doesn’t really affect our day to day lives a crisp high five is as good as it gets. There are no welcome gift baskets containing apostate alcoholic beverages of atheist fruit either (I was let down to learn this too) I shot that idea down immediately to avoid disappointing you.

Before we start, I also need to let you know that you aren’t required to purchase a fedora, grow a beard or start insulting random people, because you’re now an atheist. Those are myths.

Managing Expectations.

I’d like to give you some information that may prove useful in the coming days. I had no idea what to expect and I’d like to reduce the bafflement for you if I can.



Michelle Steele
Everything Atheist

Writing for the love of it. A puntastic atheist, an awful cook, an amateur scientist. A noob on Medium but an expert on Quora.