We are so far behind

I’ve drank way too much and written way too little

Jacknife Beer Review
Everything Beer


I am so far behind when it comes to writing. The holidays and work ramping it up it has caused me to get so freaking backed up that I am going to just write a summary I guess rather than try to pound out 12 different beer reviews ( yeah thats how fucking behind I am).

On another note. I am going to be trying to write 1000 words a day for the next month. I thought that I could do like, say, sixth months of that but I figured that that would be a crazy stupid goal and one that I would fail. Not because I don’t believe in myself, but six months a really long time to try to do something that is so ambitious as that with, you know, a fucking life. Without further ado, where is 40 beers in one post (…fuck…)

  1. Corsendonk- Christmas Ale. Got this one from the Ole Liquor Barn in a nice 750mil bottle. Comes in at 8.1% abv. Poured out into a thin, cream colored head with small bubbles. The color of the beer was like a dark cheery and smelled spicy and like tree bark a little bit. The taste was typical- spicy up front with dark chocolate on the middle. Did linger long. I’ll get this again next christmas— 4 out of 5 fucks given.
  2. Epic- Hop Zombie. Received this beer as a gift and it was a gift well received. Brewed in New Zealand by little kiwi fuckers this was a damn good double IPA. This particular offering came in a 750mil bottle and poured out into a medium head with small bubble with a lot of lacing. It was honey colored and smelled like Concord grapes oddly enough with other fruit flavors overlaying the grapes. The flavor was very spicy with a fruity finish. I’m defiantly going to keep a bottle of this in the cellaer. 4 out of 5 fucks given.
  3. Prairie/Choc Beer Co.- Wild Brew, Spelt Saison. This saison is a collaboration between Prairie Artisan Ales and Choc Beer Company with The Fellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)throwing their hat in the ring as well. It came in a 750mil bottle (seeing a tread here yet?) and was 8% abv. The beer pours out in a honey color with a HUGE head with pebble sized bubbles. It smells very fruity with the hops and a little like green straw. The taste has a very cereal flavor with the hops throwing their fruit in to the mix. Go get this beer. 5 fucks given!
  4. Bells Brewing- Winter White Ale. Came in a typical 12 ounce bottle and came in at 7.5% abv. Drank that shit in a typical American pint glass. This one had about half inch head that was white. The beer was a light honey color. Smelled citrus fruit and some coriander. Tasted like a typical wheat beer. Nothing spectacular but good if you have friends over who wouldn’t appreciate a better quality beer. 2 out 5 fucks for this.
  5. Green Flash Brewing- Palate Wrecker, Hamilton’s Ale. Wow this is the good shit. Comes in a 1 pin, 6 oz. bottle. Comes in at 9.5% abv. Pours out to a dark amber color with a small head with little to no bubbles. It smells of cut grass and a mid summer herb garden. When you take a drink it is at first bitter and after the initial shock of the hops it is divine. It also has a nice grape note in the aftertastes. 5 fucks- got get this shit.
  6. Stiegl- Pils. Most people know Stiegl from their radler they put out. Professional 20-something chicks across the country when nutz with this shit. It was like drinking beer without really having to drink beer “like one of those creepy neckbeard guys at the bar” (yes that shit was said to me back in July and I haven’t forgotten about it). But lo and behold they are a legit brewery that has been well established long before the aforementioned demographic got ahold of it. So I snagged a bottle of their Pils when I saw it offered up. Comes in pints and poured out in a very light colored and very carbonated straw color. The aroma was earthy with malt notes. Drank smooth and did not linger. It was a pretty typical pilsner. I gave it 2.5 fucks because I’ll drink it again.
  7. Ommergang- Duvel Rustica. This is Ommergang’s homage to the fabled Duvel Belgian Ale. This fucker came in at 8.5% abv and was presented in a 750mil bottle. When poured, it came out golden colored with a nice fluffy white foam head with medium bubbles. The aroma was one of fruit and spice with a dash of herb garden thrown in. The flavor was what you should have expected; Citrus with malt and wheat but then dries your mouth the fuck out. I gave this guys a 3 out of 5 fucks. Not bad but the OG is better.

So there you have it. Seven quick review of shit have I have drank in the past couple of weeks. The plan for 2014 in terms of beer reviews is going to be more of the same with major reviews of all three breweries in Lexington, KY coming. Those will be full on blind reviews with the breweries not knowing when I’m going to be there muahahahahahahahaha! Enjoy the fucking new year.

