A Guide to Supporting Children of the KYEBERESE CHRISTIAN ORPHANAGE UGANDA

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2020

There are more than 600 orphanages in Uganda that are not registered and which may be scamming as they seek support.

Here from Twitter is my story of how I became involved:


Back in the 60s I went to East Africa as a Youth worker With the World Council Of Churches

I ended up In Kampala Uganda Staying at Makarere University

There I Was beset with Headaches literally unbearable

I had to Leave I flew Back To Geneva Once home I experienced Other ills that spelled My return To Chicago and RENEWAL, the magazine I founded

But UGANDA Left an Indelible Impression on me

And I have Finally Returned As a supporter of the Kyberese Christian Orphanage

A registered going concern among a Plethora Of unregistered Orphanages I will slowly seek to involve some of you

Many child “charities” Are scams

But this one has the necessary credentials

It is run by one who is Himself an orphan

It now has 21 children whose dreams I shall try to share


To support the orphanage you will need a Western Union Account which you can access online. You will need to provide the usual info and create a profile which will become your avenue for further contributions. I found the signup moderately difficult because I could not enter a password which matched their specs. Finally that info appeared. To make your life easier I believe it will work with at least eight characters upper and lower case letters and some numbers. Once done, I entered a card and from then the contribution was a dream. But to make a contribution you MUST provide an exact name and country destination which I have copied below



You will receive a receipt in the form of a Western Union acknowledgement. Copy the top of the email through the routing number and email it to

Luzinda Umaru


If you enter this in your contacts you will have easy contact

The receipt will enable Luzinda to pick up the contribution.

I will add to this and revise as needed. I think there are many who want very much to help but fear their contributions will be lost or diverted or mismanaged

At this point we are paying for food — sustenance

As trust develops and as some of you perhaps journey forth to Uganda there will be more and more corroboration and personal ties will serve to make this a positive way to know you are being of help.


There is no way of helping that is more effective than education — educating, enabling and giving a hand up. This is ontological. It is Helpfulness which with Tolerance and Democracy are the three pillars of Ontological Ethics.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!