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A jolting experience for an 80 year old writer

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2017


When you are 80, you know your time — well, you know. But I have for a long time lived day by day and that makes mortality less ominous because it is accepted. But I say this so you will not count me crazy for what I am about to say.

Living online as I do, I have gravitated forever Nothing has stayed the same. Every writing chance that rose I jumped at. Ecunet. Epinions. Themestream. Can’t remember. Can’t remember. Blogspot. Wordpress. Associated Content. Etc. Etc. And now, believe it or not, Blasting News.

The jolt came because I am convinced there is merit in the model. Themestream failed because they paid too much. Most fail because they do not pay at all. I long ago decided that we will all someday make a living online. I will not make one with Blasting News but the model has serious promise. Let me go on.

I am feeling the buzz I felt ages ago as a writer.

Writing is telling a story. I am relearning that. Writing is being willing to pursue an audience with some sense of real reward. I am doing that.

At first, I thought I would just quit Medium and write an article or two a day and help other writers get their stuff out. Then I said no, I will stay here, but I will tell anyone who is interested to check out Blasting News. It will not do for a poet, But it will make most other writers realize what they need to do to actually be read.

The buzz I feel is very simple. When I write for Blasting News, editors look at my text immediately and every comment or caveat is gold. Real time editing is a charm. When I go and select five articles I want to post to Twitter I realize that I am helping other writers but I am also getting some share of my effort. I believe each one of us is a business waiting to emerge. I have always detested the attitude that looks at wanting to earn a living as being philistine. Sometimes I say to myself I am a philistine, and I can live with that.

So I will promote Blasting News on Medium and on Twitter. I am a very good writer. But I do not write very good when part of me is pissed because I am not being compensated for it. It’s that simple.

This was one of my first efforts. The following is from this morning.

Bannon is smart but so was McNamara



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!