Quantum Forms

A New Form of Book Revisited

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


A Case Study

I think I knew about the new form of book before I actually wrote it

Now I am rectifying that anticipatory error

This video is prose, poetry, play, and dialogue

but that is hardly all


I have control of every phase of it I stand or fall on its success or not

It takes interaction to a level past the bounds of literature

To new contexts of engagement and new ways of reading

It’s not original


Whats new is always what is most contextual devices reading times and such

The biggest thing of all is books don’t work they’re padding or they’re out of date

Therefore I update all the time at the pace of thinking

It is a good model

To explain the scribbles above I write on Commaful then create videos and from there publish in Kindle Books which are now called LOVE POWER NOTES and will simply be sequential volumes numbered as they emerge. They are $2.99 meant for device reading and styled as I indicate. The proceeds will go to Kiva as I have no need of proceeds. I do have a need to succeed at manifestation.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!