
A Raveled Truth

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2018


There is no truth that will
not unravel in the gaze of now
I’ve been there and I know it’s true
You might think things are either or
In which case you might think your
point of view is no less than destiny
I can see your mind is made up
But now I must tell you something
That you don’t seem to know
Of me

But first let’s take a moment
Outside the now is changing as we speak
Look, see the light, it moves
The grime filters an image
It could require an hour to comprehend its
Signs are airborne —
When they rise in memory they can become new
and perhaps change everything
Be calm, be still, I’m with you despite all
Reality is all there ever is

Hold to it
It’s not a condition
It is a choice we make
We will be what we will be
How can we know just now
I make no pledges
But I’m here

That works
We still are one
It always will be so
Whatever falls

Is there a seal that we can use
In case there is a need
to bind things

You sought truth and I gave you a sign
Things have changed yet again
Still we are solid

There is no reason for sorrow
Let us be like two grains of sand
I know the winds will blow
Yet we will rest because we know
That all that is is in one hand

There is no other way of being
Mystery is what’s unspoken
Death is end or a beginning
Maybe life is death who knows

I thought I knew
When I awakened
What would be and what would vanish
But the hours passed
And now this

Joyous surprise
at winning not losing
There was not a
Question or regret
Chance fades into

We shall still be separate
and celebrate the difference
I do not doubt
I just have a sense

I don’t think of
anything that hampers
what we have decided
It is thus, it is settled, it is done
There is no freedom if not free to stay

Don’t try
I never will be a bother
There is no competition
No wins, no losses and no final score
What is life for

Chide me abide me I don’t care
There’s better things to do
than dwell on what’s not now



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!