Do You Live There?

A Theory of Heaven and Hell 18

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
1 min readFeb 6, 2017


The logic of our creation

Is clearly evolution

We are at a midway station

In a revolution


Freedom lets us pick and choose

The values that we live by

Often though we pick and lose

And let the good pass by


Now grace is like a force beyond

A thing we can’t control

Perhaps a kind of divine bond

That works to make us whole


Thus Dostoevsky drew a line

Between freedom and grace

Freedom hardly was divine

Grace was Alyosha’s face


And human’s what Alyosha was

Alyosha unified

Grace and freedom one because

That’s how we’re to abide


When freedom says a heartfelt no

To choices terrible

And we let bad values go

Life can become controllable


Things will be more heavenly

Choice cleansed of much wrong

We’ll have better eyes to see

What was true all along



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!