No Distinction

A Theory of Heaven and Hell 5

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


The more I think the more I sense

I’m guessing what I know

But sometimes I am just too dense

And lose the way to go


You see I know from plumbing

What heaven could be

Creation is becoming

That makes some sense to me.


Here’s how it goes I reason thus

Heaven’s like life on earth

The heaven I perceive is us

Achieving our full worth


The loose ends known in our lives here

Brought to conclusion then

And Abba’s Way made much more clear

A future born again


Do you begin to see a light

I see it dimly is it right

Can it be yes we live anew

We pass the test as we live true


It’s not perfection Abba seeks

Freedom will not admit it

It’s following the way he speaks

Accepting life within it


In other words the Abba Prayer

Equating earth and heaven

Means growing there as we try here

Creation with no end



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!