A Theory of Heaven and Hell 6

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


I am prompted to share what’s vague to me

Still it possesses searing clarity

A friend appears to me from Heaven’s realm

Bear with me I shall boldly take the helm


I shall not name this person he’s well known

You may deduce him as his name has grown

He’s in some texts I bury here

It matters not if his ID is clear


My purpose is to guess at heaven’s scope

And to avoid abstraction’s envelope

My friend came too clearly to ignore

A voice inside my head opened the door


I can’t remember every word we spoke

It freed me somehow I can laugh and joke

We then had conversation while I wrote

Then it ended on a curious note


This was months ago but I’m still free

What was is still as real to me

And what I shall now say is a result

My friend and I shared something difficult


Today I know much more about his life

Isolation conflict pain all rife

It seems heaven has a complex nature

Not meant to make us perfect or secure


My friend could only venture just so far

He made me see how fickle we all are

And more that Heaven is not end

It bears us on wherever it may wend



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!