A Theory of Heaven and Hell

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes



Wittgenstein says someplace he won’t offer footnotes or other references. He was fairly confident that what he was up to was original enough. I am sure things I shall say are equally to be found in the thought of others. But I am not going anyplace to source this save what courses within my mind. So this is not a treatise with antecedents. It’s my sense of how things are.

I choose to write in a semi-poetry. It frees me to be more revealing. I shall continue this as a series of poems until I have said all I wish to say.

My title is intentionally provocative. We are awash in theorizing. I am spinning things from an area none know. Be content, if you will, with what Ludwig called nonsense, not because he devalued it, but because it was not a chair or a table or a rabbit or a duck


There is no hell that is objective.

There is no place that’s hell.

There is a lively sense of

hell’s existence

but it is sense and

little else.

Hell is of course reality

as all else is

but nothing says realty

must be more than yours or my

bad dream.

And the chair I sit on

and the table before me.

And my still unresolved thinking

about Ludwig!


There is a place called heaven

places actually



as many are as needed for what it is

a place like no other

I’ve no idea save this:

Abba is there!

It is his dwelling place

whatever that may mean

It’s where his voice originates.


Abba is word

add capital W if you wish

Abba goes along with us

We occupy the same time.

Perplexing yes

but key.

Abba’s the One

Jesus addressed

as many others do.

Is he the one who said


And if not

was that simply some ancient writer’s

golden intuition,

surmising what lay behind or in

the fire?


If you think I have this all worked out

I smile

Somehow I see Abba

as our connection

and Force as that which

continually moves

and creates everything.

And for this reason all silly notions of deity

fly out my window

and join the pigeons in the ledge.


Abba is straight up counselor and friend.

He does not make petulant storms

or guide DUI drivers

or kill with impunity.

He is like many thoughts

Jesus wafts at us

like common sense

like decency

not priestly not perverse.


So when I think of heaven

first off

it stems from the Abba Prayer

to Abba

whose home is

in heaven.


This is my first salvo

and it is huge for

I am saying yes

there is necessity

not able to be conceived

without creating

at least some porousness and space

for mysteries

that do indeed

reveal themselves.

Heaven is

here with us

beyond us too.

Hell is what heaven

may be to all

at times we face

the lives we led.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!