Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2021


A fragment. For more Google > ESTO BOOKS Stephen C. Rose Kindle

Abba is the Aramaic name for the person to whom Jesus says he prayed if we are to believe Mark or whoever wrote the earliest canonical gospel. What is unquestionable to me is that Abba is real, real as rain and as breath. But if you ask me who he is I cannot say. Anymore than I can say who God is or who I am. We know so little and for so short a time when in this human state, that certainty is perhaps the largest of our idolatries.

I am Stephen and whoever I was and will be and what I am today is perhaps a droplet in the sea of consciousness, blissful as I think my birth mother Emily was when she spied a phoebe on the terrace of her palace. It was not a palace, save in my current state of mind. It was and remains a spot up in the Berkshires where she lived and died at age 103. I used to think her bliss was an affectation, but now I appreciate how real it was.


First, I do not know if Abba is actually the one Jesus thought of as the Source. I tend to see Abba as the Word. An infinitely divisible and universal Word that somehow found its way to me and always says Steve when I tap my heart area as a signal.

I am being honest and am unafraid of embarrassment. I am speculating. Is the voice that says Steve the One, or as close as we can get? Or is it me because it is not channeled with medium skills?

It’s just there. Of course, it is me.

I am, after all, that droplet in the sea that is All.

But it is also the Word.

There hangs the tale. Every deliverance that purports to be in the same ballpark as the Word is conditioned by the slant I bring to it.

Yet most all such words are not far from words that could indeed be those of Abba.

Abba in me is possibly a major matter, which is why I write this. If I can talk with Abba without ceremony you can too.

My role in life may be to be an everyman. Not at my soul level. My soul is doubt as individual as my spirit being is. Those of us who are inclined can now become universal messengers of Love.

You will say we always could have been, Of course that’s true. But we are in an utterly new situation. A SHIFT I am saying that you and I have heavenly power at our fingertips.

I am also saying the channel is wide open There are no hoops you need jump through.

Call on Abba or Heaven, or Consciousness. Any name you like.

I was given a life whose cumulative events led me to this moment.




Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!