Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


All human channeling of Heaven is only what the author brings to a page. All I say is conditioned by this fact. That said, I speak in hope of being heard and understood.

There is always spiritual progress. It is increasingly important for Souls to share experiences that show the immense influence Heaven can have on the course of events here.

Here is a small example. A Soul has sought to raise vibrations enough to be able to remember dreams. A minor achievement. But a large step toward greater progress.

Let us now suppose this Soul wishes to view a scene from the Astral realm, the most “material” area of Heaven. The Soul asks for such a scene after several weeks of trying. Then deep sleep.

Lo and behold, this Soul sees plain as day the parents of a lover — the occasion of a glorious and heartbreaking time on Earth.

The SOUL had never met the parents on Earth. But the sight of them in the dream was somehow instantly recognizable. It was proof to the Soul that his lost love could actually have been a Soul Mate whose role on the planet was to help the Soul to accept and forgive what might be seen as a disastrous outcome

It was this Soul’s first experience of the Astral realm.

I am describing the fundamental experience available to any human being who sincerely wishes to move forward. Dreams are essential to earth-heaven communication. Lucidity is of great importance in providing clear and memorable images. Human memory is essential to enabling development to take root and encourage further contacts.

All spiritual progress rises from the inner initiative of a Soul, often prodded by teachers and guides from beyond. Unless a Soul truly desires progress, it will not happen. When it takes place, it is always in the best interest of the Soul.

Take stories of such events as true if they happen to speak to you. Understand their limits as proof. But always be prepared to honor the human author of such progress. Because that very Soul may be meant to advance you on your way.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!